描述The TLC4541 and TLC4545 are a family of high performance, 16-bit, low power, miniature CMOS analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). These devices operate from a single 5-V supply. Devices are available with single, dual, or single pseudo-differential inputs. All of these devices have a chip select (CS)\, serial clock (SCLK), and serial data output (SDO) that provides a direct 3-wire interface to the serial port of most popular host microprocessors (SPI interface). When interfaced with a DSP, a frame sync signal (FS) is used to indicate the start of a serial data frame on either pin 1 (CS)\ or pin 7 (FS) for the TLC4541. The TLC4545 ADC connects to the DSP via pin 1 only (CS)\. The TLC4541 and TLC4545 are designed to operate with low power consumption. The power saving feature is further enhanced with an auto-power down mode. This product family features a high-speed serial link to modern host processors with an external SCLK up to 15 MHz. Both families use a built-in oscillator as the conversion clock, providing a 2.94 us maximum conversion time.
.特性200-KSPS Sampling Rate Built-In Conversion Clock INL: ±2.5 LSB Max, DNL: 2 to 1 LSB Max SINAD = 84.5 dB, SFDR = 95 dB, THD = 94 dB at 15 kHz fin, 200 KSPS SPI/DSP-Compatible Serial Interfaces With SCLK Input up to 15 MHz Single 5-V Supply Rail-to-Rail Analog Input With 500 kHz BW Two Input Options Available: TLC4541 Single Channel Input TLC4545 Single Channel, Pseudo-differential Input (TLC4541) Optimized DSP Interface Requires FS Input Only Low Power With Auto-Power Down Operating Current: 3.5 mA Auto-Power Down Current: 5 uA Pin Compatible 12/14/16-Bit Family in 8-Pin SOIC and MSOP Packages APPLICATIONS ATE System Industrial Process Control Measurement Motor Control
TLC4541 引脚图
TLC4541 封装图
TLC4541 封装图
TLC4541 封装图
TLC4541 封装图
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