For product comparison, please consider:
In addition to supporting legacy MOST data formats, the OS81110 features two new types of data transport: The new MOST Ethernet channel allows the transport of legacy Ethernet packets and supports MAC addressing. MOST150 is an automotive grade physical layer for Ethernet and IP communications.
The new isochronous channels and clocking capabilities of the OS81110 close the gap between synchronous and packet transport. While they are managed like synchronous streams, they make it possible to transport streams that are not synchronized to MOST. These streams range from PCM audio streams, which by nature are synchronous but might not have been synchronized to MOST, to MPEG streams, to streams of packet data.
A few highlights
NEW MOST Ethernet channel
Transport of legacy Ethernet frames
On-chip support of IEEE MAC addressing
NEW isochronous channels
Transport of streams that are not synchronized to MOST
Support of all legacy MOST data types
Complete MOST network interface on a single chip
Fully encapsulated
Optimized for a 150 Mbps optical physical layer (POF) and coax physical layer
Embedded MOST network management
Network protected mode
Hardware and application watchdog timer
Intelligent muting
对于传统汽车电子开发领域,早期使用的OS则是OSEK OS, OSEK OS是一个为满足汽车电子可靠性、实时性、成本敏感性等需求而打造的实时单核操作系统(RTAOS)。
摘要:根据IOT设备的需求,以及IOT OS需要满足的技术特征、现有IOT OS的来源,分别概述FreeRTOS、AliOS-Things、RT-Thread、Lite OS、Zephyr、Mbed
Anolis OS镜像,Anolis OS 8.4 RHCK 64位操作系统,Anolis是CentOS 8的替代版本,是由龙蜥社区OpenAnolis推出的开源发行版本,Anolis OS具有企业级的稳定性
6月2日晚华为鸿蒙OS正式发布, 华为鸿蒙系统首批支持上百款机型升级,这件代表着鸿蒙OS推出拥有之初便与Android、iOS形成了三角鼎足之势。
OP162 | OP471 | OPA2333-HT | OP484 |
OP285 | OP4177 | OP113 | OP213 |
OP77 | OP97 | OP470 | OP727 |
OP275 | OP193 | OPA4350-DIE | OP07 |
OP07 | OS81110 | OP282 | OPA140A-DIE |
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