The KSZ8765 is a highly integrated, Layer 2-managed, five-port switch with numerous features designed to reduce overall system cost. It is intended for cost-sensitive applications requiring four 10/100Mbps copper ports and one 10/100/1000Mbps Gigabit uplink port.
The KSZ8765CLX incorporates a small package outline, low power consumption with internal biasing, and on-chip termination. Its extensive set of features include enhanced power management, programmable rate limiting and priority ratio, tagged and port-based VLAN, port-based security and ACL rule-based packet filtering technology, QoS priority with four queues, management interfaces, enhanced MIB counters, high-performance memory bandwidth, and a shared memory-based switch fabric with non-blocking support.
The KSZ8765CLX provides support for multiple CPU data interfaces to effectively address both current and emerging fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet applications where the Port 5 GMAC can be configured to any of the GMII, RGMII, MII, and RMII modes.The KSZ8765CLX is built upon Microchip's industry-leading Ethernet analog and digital technology, with features designed to offload host processing and streamline the overall design.
- Two integrated MAC/PHYs 100Base-FX on Port 1 and Port 2
- Two integrated MAC/PHYs 10/100Base-T/TX on Port 3 and Port 4
- One integrated 10/100/1000Base-T/TX GMAC with selectable GMII, RGMII, MII, and RMII interfaces
- Small 80-pin LQFP package
A robust assortment of power management features including energy-efficient Ethernet (EEE), power management event (PME), and wake-on-LAN (WoL) have been designed in to satisfy energy efficient environments.All registers in the MAC/PHY units can be managed through the SPI interface. MIIM PHY registers can be accessed through the MDC/MDIO interface.
Microchip's complimentary and confidential LANCheck® online design review service is available for customers who have selected our products for their application design-in. The is subject to Microchip's and requires a myMicrochip account.
Integrated 5-port 10/100 Layer-2 switch with Gigabit uplink
New generation switch with four MACs, one GMAC (for uplink) and four PHYs (two 10/100Base-T/TX & two 100Base-FX) that are fully compliant with the IEEE 802.3u standard
10/100Base-T/TX & 100Base-FX switch system which combines a switch engine, frame buffer management, address lookup table, queue management, MIB counters, MAC, and PHY transceivers
Rapid spanning tree support (RSTP) for topology management
Microchip LinkMD® cable diagnostic capabilities for determining cable opens, shorts, and length
Advanced Switch Capabilities
IEEE 802.1q VLAN support for up to 128 active VLAN groups (full range 4096 of VLAN IDs)
Support 802.1x port-based security and MAC-based authentication via access control lists (ACL)
QoS/CoS Packet Prioritization Support
802.1p, DiffServ-based and Re-mapping of 802.1p priority field, per-port basis on four priority levels
4 priority queues with dynamic mapping for IEEE 802.1P, IPV4 ToS (DiffServ), IPV6 Traffic Class, etc
Programmable rate limiting at the ingress and egress ports on a per port basis
Comprehensive Configuration Register Access
High-speed SPI (4-wire, up to 50MHz) interface to access all internal registers
MII management (MIIM, MDC/MDIO 2 wire) interface to access all PHY registers per IEEE 802.3 specification
Control registers configurable on-the-fly
Switch Monitoring Features
Port mirroring/monitoring/sniffing: ingress and/or egress traffic to any port or MII/RMII
MIB counters for fully-compliant statistics gathering (36 MIB counters per port)
Low Power Dissipation
Full-chip software power-down
Energy detect power-down (EDPD)
Support IEEE P802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)
Wake on LAN (WoL) support
KSZ8765 封装图
KSZ8765 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
KSZ8765CLXCC | EDAC | 345 SERIES (.100" (2.54MM) CONTA | 立即购买 |
KSZ8765CLXIC | Yageo | 贴片电阻 0805 7.5Ω ±10% 1/8W ±200ppm/℃ | 立即购买 |
电子发烧友网报道(文/李宁远)传感器作为感知周围环境的重要媒介,一直在诸多领域扮演着重要角色。和我们生活息息相关的气体传感,一直是传感器行业重要的细分领域,随着新材料,MEMS技术与电子电路技术的进步,气体传感也不断变化着。与此同时,不断发展的法规与安全标准对气体检测也提出了更严格的要求。 目前,按照技术原理气体传感器可划分为半导体气体传感器、催化燃烧气体传感器、电化学气体传感器、光学气体传感器等多种类型
Python程序文件的扩展名主要有两种,分别是.py和.pyw。 .py扩展名: .py是Python程序最常见的扩展名,它表示一个Python脚本文件。Python解释器会读取和执行.py文件中的代码。这种扩展名的文件可以在命令行中运行,或者通过其他程序调用执行。常见的用法是通过命令行运行:python filename.py。 .pyw扩展名: .pyw是Python窗口化程序的扩展名。与.py文件不同,.pyw文件在执行时不会产生一个命令行窗口。这意味着窗口化程序可以在后台运行,无需用户看到命令行窗口
FM 接收较灵敏且容易收到干扰,IC 摆放要考虑蓝牙天线和 FM 天线的位置。尽量 做到 FM 天线焊接点靠板边放置,FM 天线在板上走线最短,注意焊接的外置天线不要在 PCBA 上过多盘绕。
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电子发烧友网报道(文/李弯弯)1月18日,台积电公布了2023年第四季财务报告。报告显示,台积电2023年第四季度实现合并营业收入约6255.3亿元新台币(约合1426.2084亿元人民币),与上一年同期相比,营收大致持平,净利润约为2387.1亿元新台币(约544.2588亿元人民币),同比减少19.3%。营收和净利润环比前一季度分别增加14.4%、13.1%。 3nm 增长强劲带来营业收入增长 根据台积电发布的财务报告,2023年第四季度,其3nm工艺收入相比上季度大幅增长,占晶圆
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KSZ8864 | KA331 | KAF-40000 | KA79L05A |
KA2903 | KSZ8873 | KA7906 | KA319 |
KA2807 | KA378R12CTU | KAE-08151 | KA78R15C |
KA278R33C | KSZ8795 | KAI-02150 | KDT00030 |
KAF-09000 | KAF-6303 | KA431A | KSZ9567 |
周一至周五(9:00-12:00 13:30-18:30)节假日除外