The KSZ8864RMN is a highly-integrated, Layer 2 managed 4-port switch with optimized design, plentiful features and smallest package size. The KSZ8864 supports Automotive applications.
It is designed for cost-sensitive 10/100Mbps 4-port switch systems with on-chip termination, lowest-power consumption, and small package to save system cost. It has 1.4Gbps high-performance memory bandwidth, shared memory-based switch fabric with full non-blocking configuration.
It also provides an extensive feature set such as the power management, programmable rate limiting and priority ratio, tag/port-based VLAN, packet filtering, quality of service (QoS), four queue prioritization, management interface, MIB counters. Port 3 and Port 4 support either MII or RMII interfaces with SW3-MII/RMII and SW4-MII/RMII for KSZ8864RMN data interface.The KSZ8864RMN provides multiple CPU control/data interfaces to effectively address both current and emerging fast Ethernet applications.
The KSZ8864RMN consists of 10/100 fast Ethernet PHYs with patented and enhanced mixed-signal technology, media access control (MAC) units, a high-speed non-blocking switch fabric, a dedicated address lookup engine, and an on-chip frame buffer memory.
The KSZ8864RMN contains four MACs and two PHYs. The two PHYs support the 10/100Base-T/TX.All registers of MACs and PHYs units can be managed by the control interface of SPI or the SMI. MIIM registers of the PHYs can be accessed through the MDC/MDIO interface. EEPROM can set all control registers by I2C controller interface for the unmanaged mode.
Microchip's complimentary and confidential LANCheck® online design review service is available for customers who have selected our products for their application design-in. The is subject to and requires a myMicrochip account.
Fully managed 4-port 10/100Mbps switch with dual MII/RMII interfaces
QoS packet prioritization
IEEE802.1d rapid spanning tree protocol (RSTP)
Programmable rate limiting at the ingress and egress on a per port and priority basis
Source MAC address filtering for ring support
MIB counters for fully compliant statistics, gathering 34 MIB counters per port
Ultra-low power consumption with integrated line termination
Single 3.3V supply with internal 1.2V LDO controller
Flexible VDDIO support 3.3V, 2.5V, and 1.8V
AEC-Q100 qualified
Industrial temperature range: -40°C to +85°C
Small 64-Pin 8mm x 8mm QFN
KSZ8864 封装图
KSZ8864 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
KSZ8864CNXI-TR | TDK | 150 pF ±5% 1000V(1kV) 陶瓷电容器 SL 径向,圆片式 | 立即购买 |
KSZ8864CNXI | TDK | 180 pF ±5% 1000V(1kV) 陶瓷电容器 SL 径向,圆片式 | 立即购买 |
KSZ8864CNXC-TR | TDK | 120 pF ±5% 100V 陶瓷电容器 C0G,NP0 径向 | 立即购买 |
KSZ8864CNXC | TDK | 150 pF ±5% 100V 陶瓷电容器 C0G,NP0 径向 | 立即购买 |
KSZ8864CNXCA-TR | STM | 立即购买 | |
KSZ8864CNXIA-TR | Vishay Dale | 立即购买 |
电子发烧友网报道(文/李弯弯)日前,上交所宣布,因其财务资料已过有效期且逾期达三个月未更新,终止对杭州中欣晶圆半导体股份有限公司(简称“中欣晶圆”)首次公开发行股票并在科创板上市审核。至此,历时两年,中欣晶圆首次冲刺A股IPO以失败告终。 中欣晶圆 主要产品及业务演变 中欣晶圆主营业务为半导体硅片的研发、生产和销售。公司拥有完整的半导体硅片制备工艺和全尺寸的硅片生产线,可实现从晶体生长、切片、研磨、抛光到
8月16日,深圳联通领导一行莅临图为信息科技(深圳)有限公司,在技术创新、数字化转型及市场拓展等领域展开了深入交流与探讨。 此次访问旨在进一步明确合作意向,共同探索新技术、新应用,为用户提供更优质、更安全的服务体验。 8月16日,中国联合网络通信有限公司深圳市分公司(以下简称“深圳联通”)高层领导曾总一行莅临图为信息科技(深圳)有限公司(以下简称“图为科技”),双方就深化合作、共谋发展进行了深入交流与探讨。
注:本文转自C114通信网,作者艾斯 智能手机创新乏力已久,从行业到消费者似乎都陷入了“审美疲劳”。如果说3G和4G时代的移动互联网与智能手机之间是一种相辅相成关系的话,到了如今的5G时代,我们是否可以拥有新的终端设备与新的可能性呢? “XR预计将成为智能手机之后的下一个范式创新。” 这是爱立信中国区网络产品方案总经理吴日平在近日的一场媒体沟通会上提出的观点。 为什么是XR? 元宇宙从热词变成“冷词”还没多久,ChatGPT就迅速占
乐鑫科技 (688018.SH) 高兴地宣布,其物联网芯片全球累计出货量已突破10 亿颗。这一里程碑标志着乐鑫作为全球领先的物联网软硬件和解决方案提供商,以其创新的前沿技术和卓越的产品性能,赢得了全球市场的认可,奠定了其在物联网无线通信领域的领导地位。 乐鑫科技 CEO 张瑞安 这对于任何半导体公司而言都是一个非常重要的里程碑。它不仅仅关乎乐鑫本身,也是市场和客户共同创造的结果。我们的客户表现得十分出色。事实上,仅过去一年,乐鑫
KST13 | KAI-16050 | KAI-1003 | KA337 |
KA319 | KSZ8852 | KAI-04050 | KA79M12 |
KA7824AE | KAI-08052 | KA7924 | KSZ9692 |
KA7553A | KA78RH33 | KAI-29050 | KA7805E |
KSZ8851 | KA339 | KA33VBU | KLI-4104 |
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