For product comparison, please consider:
The KSZ9567 is a fully integrated layer 2, managed,seven-port gigabit Ethernet switch with numerousadvanced features. Five of the seven ports incorporate10/100/1000 Mbps PHYs. The other two ports haveinterfaces that can be configured as SGMII, RGMII, MII or RMII.Either of these may connect directly to a host processor orto an external PHY. The SGMII port may interface to a fiber optic transceiver.
Full register access is available by SPI or I2C interfaces,and by optional in-band management via any of the data ports.PHY register access is provided by a MIIM interface.
Security features include support for IEEE 802.1X port-based authentication and Access Control List (ACL) filtering.
As a member of the EtherSynch® product family, theKSZ9567 incorporates full hardware support for the IEEE1588v2 Precision Time Protocol (PTP), including hardwaretime-stamping at all PHY-MAC interfaces, and a high-resolution hardware “PTP clock”. IEEE 1588 provides sub-microsecond synchronization for a range of industrialEthernet applications.
The KSZ9567 fully supports the IEEE family of audiovideo bridging (AVB) standards, which provide for highquality of service (QoS) for latency sensitive traffic streamsover Ethernet. Time-stamping and time-keeping featuressupport IEEE 802.1AS time synchronization. All portsfeature credit based traffic shapers for IEEE 802.1Qav,and a time aware scheduler as proposed for IEEE802.1Qbv.
An assortment of power-management features includingEnergy-Efficient Ethernet (EEE) have been designed in tosatisfy energy efficient environments.
Microchip's complimentary and confidential LANCheck® online design review service is available for customers who have selected our products for their application design-in. The is subject to Microchip's and requires a myMicrochip account.
Non-blocking wire-speed Ethernet switching fabric
Advanced Switch Capabilities
IEEE802.1AS (AVB) time synchronization support
IEEE802.1Qav (AVB) credit based traffic shaper
Time aware traffic scheduler with low latency cut- through mode
IEEE1588v2 Precision Time Protocol support
Time-stamping on all ports
Precision GPIO pin timed to the AVB/1588 clock
Full-featured forwarding and filtering control, including Access Control List (ACL) filtering
IEEE802.1X support (Port-Based Network Access Control)
IEEE802.1Q VLAN supportfor 128 active VLAN groups and the full range of 4096 VLAN IDs
IEEE802.1p/Q tag insertion or removal on a per port basis and support for double-tagging
VLAN ID tag/untag options on per port basis
IEEE802.3x full-duplex flow control and half-duplex back pressure collision control
IGMPv1/v2/v3 snooping for multicast packet filtering
IPv6 multicast listener discovery (MLD) snooping
QoS/CoS packets prioritization support: 802.1p, DiffServ-based and re-mapping of 802.1p priority field per-port basis on four priority levels
IPv4/IPv6 QoS support
Programmable rate limiting at ingress and egress ports
Broadcast storm protection
Four priority queues with dynamic packet mapping for IEEE802.1p, IPv4 DIFFSERV, IPv6 TrafficClass
MAC filtering function to filter or forward unknown unicast, multicast and VLAN packets
Self-address filtering for implementing ring topologies
Comprehensive Configuration Register AccessHigh-speed SPI (4-wire, up to 50MHz) interface to access all internal registers
I2C Interface to access all registers
MII management (MIIM, MDC/MDIO 2 wire) interface to access all PHY registers per IEEE 802.3 specification
In-band management to access all registers via any of the seven ports, strap enabled
I/O pin strapping facility to set certain register bits from I/O pins at reset time
Control registers configurable on-the-fly
Switch Monitoring FeaturesPort mirroring/monitoring/sniffing: ingress and/or egress traffic to any port or MII/RMII
MIB counters for fully-compliant statistics gathering (34 MIB counters per port)
Low Power DissipationFull-chip software power-down
Energy detect power-down (EDPD)
Support IEEE P802.3az Energy Efficient Ethernet (EEE)
Wake on LAN (WoL) support
KSZ9567 封装图
KSZ9567 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
KSZ9567RTXI | Essentra | HEX SOCKET CAP SCREW, #10-24 THR | 立即购买 |
4月26日,交通运输部党组书记、部长李小鹏在部务会上强调,要高度重视公路桥梁隧道结构监测工作,抓紧推进公路桥梁隧道结构监测系统建设,进一步健全完善公路桥梁隧道结构监测长效运行机制。 中海达积极参与公路桥梁隧道结构监测工作。近年来,中海达桥隧坡安全监测预警解决方案已在云南、四川、西藏、广西、重庆、山东、辽宁等省份及自治区的市政口和公路口的桥梁、隧道和边坡领域成功应用,覆盖桥梁120余座,边坡60余座,隧道10余座,
2023年7月20日,赛思子公司西克魔迩携“推动工业科技全行业飞速发展的基石——国产化时钟SOC芯片”项目在第六届“创业北京”创业创新大赛暨石景山区第四届创业创新大赛中荣获一等奖。 “创业北京 创赢未来”。7月20日,第六届“创业北京”创业创新大赛暨石景山区第四届创业创新大赛落下精彩帷幕。赛思子公司西克魔迩在历经近三个月、128个项目的激烈角逐,携其“推动工业科技全行业飞速发展的基石——国产化时钟SOC芯片”项目在决赛中脱颖
柔性制造系统是一种高度灵活的生产系统,具有以下几个特点: 1. 高度灵活性:柔性制造系统具有极高的灵活性,可以根据市场的需求进行快速调整,生产多样化的产品。系统可以实现自适应生产,根据不同顾客的需求快速更改生产计划和生产参数。 2. 高度智能化:柔性制造系统采用数字化技术并具有高度自动化的生产流程。自动化生产线可以根据来自传感器和传达器的生产数据自动调整生产参数,自适应生产环境的变化以及实现生产自我优化和智能决策。
本案例中,欧卡智舶在无人船系统中搭载了多种传感器,并选择了 NVIDIA Jetson 系列产品作为边缘计算硬件。
KA7810E | KAF-16801 | KA339A | KSC388 |
KA78M05 | KAI-16050 | KAI-02050 | KAI-1020 |
KA7500C | KSZ8795 | KSZ8852 | KA7553A |
KAF-1603 | KA378R05 | KA34063 | KAI-11002 |
KAE-08151 | KA7815AE | KSH122 | KA7815E |
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