HV2802 is a low charge injection 32-channel SPST high voltage analog switch integrated circuit (IC) intended for use in applications requiring high voltage switching controlled by low voltage control signals, such as medical ultrasound imaging, piezoelectric transducer driver, and printers. Input data are shifted into a 32-bit shift registers that can then be retained in a 32-bit latch. To reduce any possible clock feed through noise, the latch enable bar should be left high until all bits are clocked in. Data are clocked in during the rising edge of the clock. Using HVCMOS technology, this device combines high voltage bilateral DMOS switches and low power CMOS logic to provide efficient control of high voltage analog signals.The device is suitable for various combinations of high voltage supplies, e.g., VPP/VNN: +40V/-160V, +100V/-100V, and +160V/-40V.
32-channel high voltage analog switch in SPST configuration
3.0A peak analog signal current per channel
3.3V or 5.0V CMOS input logic level
20MHz data shift clock frequency
HVCMOS technology for high performance
Very low quiescent power dissipation
Low parasitic capacitance
DC to 50MHz analog signal frequency
-60dB typical OFF-isolation at 5.0MHz
CMOS logic circuitry for low power
Excellent noise immunity
Cascadable serial data register with latches
Flexible operating supply voltages
9 x 9 x 1.0 mm VFBGA package
HV2802 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
HV2802GA-G | Micron | IC FLASH 64G PARALLEL 48TSOP I | 立即购买 |
大家好,在前两期分别向大家介绍了电装纯正压缩机修理 和喷油器修理技术开发 ,本期将继续带大家了解,为推进碳中和做出积极贡献的混合动力汽车电池修理(以下简称 “HV电池修理” )。 提问环节到 电装
Intel® Atom N2800 CPU, 6*COM, 2*LAN, 2*Mini-PCIe, DC 12V Input, 3.5'' (146*105mm)
Intel Atom N2800处理器, 6*COM, 2*LAN, 2*Mini-PCIe, DC 12V供电, 3.5英寸 (146*105mm)
...wking IDE 新建 2. 建立 Ti mer0 驱动文件 timer0_base 在 HX_EXAM_DSC28027_ Cpu Timer_V0.0.1\src\ 下建立 timer0_base.c timer0_base.h 文件 3. 在 timer0_base.c 中编写 Tiimer0 驱动 timer0 timer0Base={0,0}; INTERRUPT void cpu_timer0_isr ( void ); /***************************...
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