HV2301 is a low charge injection, 8-channel, high voltage analog switch integrated circuit (IC) with bleed resistors. The device can be used in applications requiring high voltage switching, controlled by low voltage control signals, such as medical ultrasound imaging, piezoelectric transducer driver, and printers. The built-in bleed resistors eliminate voltage built up on capacitive loads such as piezoelectric transducers. The HV2301 is an enhanced version of the HV232.Input data is shifted into an 8-bit shift register that can then be retained in an 8-bit latch. To reduce any possible clock feed-through noise, the latch enable bar should be left high until all bits are clocked in. Data is clocked in during the rising edge of the clock. Using HVCMOS technology, this device combines high voltage bilateral DMOS switches and low power CMOS logic to provide efficient control of high voltage analog signals.The device is suitable for various combinations of high voltage supplies, e.g., VPP/VNN: +40V/-160V, +100V/-100V, and +160V/-40V.
HVCMOS technology for high performance
Integrated bleed resistors on the outputs
8 Channels of high voltage analog switch
3.3 or 5.0V CMOS input logic level
20MHz data shift clock frequency
Very low quiescent power dissipation (-10µA)
Low parasitic capacitance
DC to 50MHz analog signal frequency
-60dB typical off-isolation at 5MHz
CMOS logic circuitry for low power
Excellent noise immunity
Cascadable serial data register with latches
Flexible operating supply voltage
HV2301 封装图
HV2301 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
HV2301FG-G-M931 | Vishay | 贴片电阻 0505 470Ω ±5% 1.4W ±150ppm/℃ | 立即购买 |
HV2301PJ-G | SEI | 插件电阻 - 15MΩ ±5% 1/2W - | 立即购买 |
HV2301FG-G | SEI | 插件电阻 - 13MΩ ±5% 1/2W - | 立即购买 |
LTC2301 LTC2305应用电路
ADI推出ADP2300和 ADP2301 DC/DC 开关稳压器 ADI最新推出 ADP2300和 ADP2301 DC/DC 开关稳压器,进一步扩展了集成式电源管理开关型稳压器产品组合。这两
IR推出汽车驱动应用的AUIRS2301S 600V IC 国际整流器公司(IR)推出 AUIRS2301S 600V IC,适用于汽车电机驱动、微型逆变器驱动和通用三相逆变器应用。AUIRS2301S
场效应管SI2301BDS场效应管SI2301BDS 是Vishay Siliconix 的产品,它是一只P 沟道、150mW、0.8V(G-S)MOSFET 器件。MOSFET 的中文全称是“金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管”
5月21日,荣耀在英国伦敦举办新品发布会,正如之前预告的,在带来荣耀20系列的同时,还带来了一款荣耀20 Lite,对应国内版荣耀20i。
HMC8038 | HMC-APH633 | HMC792A | HMC1048A |
HMC-ALH445 | HMC602 | HV823 | HMC1126 |
HMC574A | HMC733 | HMC-ALH311 | HMC-ALH313 |
HMC401 | HMC383LC4 | HMC723LC3C | HMC1113 |
HMC511 | HV9803B | HMC7950 | HMC648A |