The MIC5891 latched driver is a high-voltage, high current integrated circuit comprised of eight CMOS data latches, CMOS control circuitry for the common STROBE and OUTPUT ENABLE, and bipolar Darlington transistor drivers for each latch.Bipolar/MOS construction provides extremely low power latches with maximum interface flexibility.The MIC5891 will typically operate at 5MHz with a 5V logic supply.The CMOS inputs are compatible with standard CMOS, PMOS, and NMOS logic levels. TTL circuits may be used with appropriate pull-up resistors to ensure a proper logic-high input.A CMOS serial data output allows additional drivers to be cascaded when more than 8 bits are required.The MIC5891 has open-emitter outputs with suppression diodes for protection against inductive load transients. The output transistors are capable of sourcing 500mA and will sustain at least 35V in the on-state.Simultaneous operation of all drivers at maximum rated current requires a reduction in duty cycle due to package power limitations. Outputs may be paralleled for higher load current capability.The MIC5891 is available in a 16-pin plastic DIP package (N) and 16-pin wide SOIC package (WM).
High-voltage, high-current outputs
Output transient protection diodes
CMOS-, PMOS-, NMOS-, and TTL-compatible inputs
5MHz typical data input rate
Low-power CMOS latches
MIC5891 封装图
MIC5891 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
MIC5891YWM-TR | Exar Corporation | 立即购买 | |
MIC5891YWM | Microchip | IC MPU SUPERVISOR SOT-23-3 | 立即购买 |
MIC5891YN | - | - | 立即购买 |
注意:Maxim提供各种精度的电流输出DAC。本文中,将以MAX5891 作为测量和规格说明的特例。但所介绍的参数和测量方法可以用于其他的差分输出、电流模式DAC。
mic认证与telec认证介绍 无线产品在各国都有着严格的管控法规标准,在中国有srrc认证,美国有fcc-id,韩国的kcc认证等等,而在日本针对无线产品的认证是telec认证,有人又称之为mic
AN5891K音频功率处理集成电路各引脚功能及管脚电压 概述:AN5891K 是I2C总线控制的音频处理器,具有以下特点:受I2C总线控制;AGC电路
AN5891K音频功率处理集成电路各引脚功能及管脚电压 概述:AN5891K 是I2C总线控制的音频处理器,具有以下特点:受I2C总线控制;AGC电路
AN5891—高音,低音,平衡,环绕处理电路 脚号 名称 引脚功能 脚号 名称 引脚功能 1 PF1 相位滤波1 13 SCL 时钟 2 AGC AGC电平检测 14 SDA 数据 3 LIN 左声道输入
本文中,将以MAX5891 作为测量和规格说明的特例。但所介绍的参数和测量方法可以用于其他的差分输出、电流模式DAC。线性参数说明定义数据转换器线性精度主要有两
美信集成产品公司(Maxim Integrated Products)推出MAX5891高性能16位600MS/s数模转换器(DAC),输出频率在30MHz下具有80dBc的SFDR和-94dBc的IMD;输出频率在36MHz下,具有-
MC14526B | MJF122 | MC74VHC574 | MC33074 |
MCP2003B | MBR1035 | MC100LVEL38 | MCP1404 |
MIC705 | MIC4469 | MICRF230 | MC10EP08 |
MC74ACT157 | MMBTA13L | MTCH6301 | MCP3919 |
MOC3033M | MCP6051 | MC14556B | MC100EP809 |