The MICRF114 is a simple, low-cost OOK transmitter with programmable output power. It is primarily intended for command and control applications (for example, Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) and Garage Door Opener (GDO) systems, etc.). The transmitter is synthesizer based for high-frequency accuracy. It operates on a single frequency which is determined by the frequency of the crystal connected to the built-in reference oscillator. This frequency can be selected from a wide range. The more popular transmit frequencies require readily available crystal frequencies (for example, a 13.56 MHz crystal for a 433.92 MHz transmit frequency). The RF performance of the transmitter is compliant with FCC and IC regulations, and with some Japanese standards. European (ETSI) requirements can be met at low radiated power.
The MICRF114 is optimized for battery-powered applications that feature low current consumption and can operate over a wide supply voltage range. Internal circuits sensitive to supply voltage variations run from the on-chip Low Dropout (LDO) regulator. In order to reduce pin count and system Bill of Materials (BOM), the LDO regulator does not need an external capacitor for stability, and the single-pin reference oscillator has a programmable, integrated crystal load capacitor. The single-ended RF output allows easy matching to monopole antennas with a minimal number of external components.
Fully Integrated Low-Power Sub-GHz RF Transmitter
Single-Pin Crystal Oscillator with Integrated, Programmable Load Capacitor
Wide Operating Voltage Range: 1.8V to 3.6V
Industrial Temperature Range (-40°C to +85°C)
Low Current Consumption: 0.2 μA in Sleep Mode, 11.7 mA in +10 dBm Transmit Mode
Data Rate: up to 115.2 kbps NRZ, 57.6 kbps Manchester Encoded
On-Off Keying (OOK) Modulation with Power Ramp-up Control
Fast Turn-On and Turn-Off Times
Small Footprint 6-Pin SOT-23 Package
MICRF114 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
MICRF114T-I/OT | On Semi | 立即购买 |
2月21日,DxOMark官方正式公布了一加7T Pro的相机得分,114分的总成绩与一加7 Pro并列。下面让我们一起来看看一加7T Pro的各子项成绩。
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The MICRF102 is a single chip Transmitter IC for remotewirele
...dioTM射频技术,真正实现了“数据入,天线出”的功能。 MICRF102具有在芯片内自动进行天线调谐的功能,免去了复杂的人工调整,从而大大降低了生产开发的成本。它可用于各种UHF免申请频段,全面兼容各种ASK/OOK(幅度键控/开...
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MMBF5485 | MCP14E10 | MC10H123 | MCP2004A |
MCP3302 | MIC2199 | MIC826 | MC74HC1G00 |
MC34064 | MC100EP35 | MC74AC157 | MC74HC138A |
MSC1212Y4 | MC74VHC4053 | MIC2194 | MMBTH81 |