MD0101 is a four channel, high voltage, current limiting protection device. It is designed to protect a low noise receiver from the high voltage transmit pulses in ultrasound applications and is commonly referred to as a T/R (transmit and receive) switch. Each channel has three terminals; Tx, Rx, and RGND. The analog switch terminals are Tx and Rx. Rx has integrated clamping diodes to RGND to protect the receiver against high voltages. Voltages greater than ±0.6V will start forward biasing the clamp diodes to RGND.The MD0101 can be considered as a normally closed switch with a typical switch resistance of 15O, allowing small signals to pass. Once the voltage drop across the switch exceeds a nominal value of ±1.0V, the device will start to turn off. In the off state, the MD0101 can withstand up to ±100V across its terminals. A small amount of current, 200µA, is allowed to flow through.The MD0101 is not limited to just ultrasound applications. It can also be used for resettable fuses to protect power lines, output short circuit protection, and data acquisition. The MD0101 is available in an 18-Lead, 5x5mm DFN package as a four channel device for high density requirements.
Up to ±100V input voltage protection
Low on resistance - 15Ω typical
Integrated clamp diodes
Fast switching speed
Four electrically isolated channels
No external supplies needed
MD0101 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
MD0101K6-G | KOA | 电阻器 26.7Ω ±1% 1/8W ±50ppm/℃ 0805 | 立即购买 |
61010-031/A1:2008 应用 相对低频测量 低频计算机和电信测量 电源 低频放大器 TPP0100、TPP0101 无源电压探头 TPP0100 和 TPP0101 探头是输入电阻为 10
泰克TPP0101是一款无源电压探头,是测量高压电力系统的专业工具。相较于其他厂商的产品,它具有许多优势,下面我们来看一下它的优势有哪些。 一、精度高 泰克TPP0101采用了独特的自适应校准技术
韩国著名的Dongbu机器人公司出品的HerkuleX DRS-0101 机器人专用舵机可能是目前市场上最好的一款机器人专用数字舵机。 12kg的转矩,高达300度的旋转角度是人形机器人的理想选择。
安卓工控一体机采用瑞芯微新一代超强性能RK3288 Cortex-A17四核应用处理器,主频高达1.8GHz , 内部集成Mali-T764GPU,配置10.1寸高清工业液晶屏,多点高灵敏度电容触摸, 机身设计HDMI、UART、USB、LAN等应用接口,完全适用于工业设备、...
东软载波微电子直流无刷电机驱动方案(锂电池割草机)采用32位MCU ES32M0101 作为主控芯片,无传感器方波控制。通过反电动势过零点方法计算转子速度,同时具有调速、过压欠压、过流、过热,堵转保护功能。
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