The MCP37D21-200 is a 14-bit pipelined A/D converter with a maximum sampling rate of 200 Msps. The high accuracy of over 74 dB Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and over 90 dB Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) enable high precision measurements of fast input signals. The device operates at very low power consumption of 490 mW at 200 Msps including LVDS digital I/O. Lower power saving modes are available at 80 mW for Standby and 33 mW for Shutdown. The MCP37D21-200 includes many digital processing features that simplify system design, cost and power usage. These include an integrated digital down-converter with onboard NCO, decimation filters for improved SNR, individual phase, offset and gain adjustment and a fractional delay recovery for time-delay corrections in multi-channel modes. Data is available through the serial DDR LVDS or parallel CMOS interface and configured via SPI. The device is available in the TFBGA-121 and VTLA-124 packages.
14-bit resolution 200 Msps maximum sampling rate Low power 490 mW operation at full sampling rate, including LVDS digital I/O Power saving modes of 80 mW during Standby and 33 mW during Shutdown >74 dBFS SNR at 200 Msps >90 dBFS SFDR at 200 Msps Integrated digital down-converter Decimation filters for improved SNR Phase, offset and gain adjustment of individual channels Fractional delay recovery for time-delay corrections in multi-channel operations (dual/octal-channel modes) Input channel bandwidth of 500 MHz Output data format in serial DDR LVDS or parallel CMOS Configuration via Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Industrial temperature range -40°C to +85°C Available in TFBGA-121 and VTLA-124 packages磁场 与普通光电倍增管(PMT)的使用相比,微通道板(Microchannel Plate,MCP)受到磁场的影响比较小。磁场对MCP使用影响的大小取决于磁场与MCP通道轴之间的方向。图1显示了
全志D1与f1c200s性能比较 全志D1和f1c200s是两种常见的嵌入式处理器芯片,广泛应用于智能家居、车载音视频、智能控制等领域。尽管两者在某些方面有些相似之处,但它们的功能和性能存在明显
MCP37D31-200 还具有内置抽取滤波器,用于提高 SNR、分数延迟恢复 (FDR)、相位/偏移和各个通道的增益调整以及 DDC。
华为好望D2120-10-SIU 1T 200万红外AI筒型摄像机采用白色烤漆铝合金外壳,厚实耐用,而IK10的防暴等级以及IP67防护等级,能很好杜绝粉尘、水汽等杂质进入内部,让该设备可很好适应园区等常规场景监控以及矿场、石化等高危场所...
MIC705 | MCP23S18 | MD0101 | MCP6541U |
MC10H601 | MJL4281A | MIC4479 | MC100E452 |
MCP3909 | MC74HCT245A | MC100LVEP14 | MIC2196 |
MIC4452 | MMBF5462 | MC74HC125A | MCP19125 |
MOC3010M | MJD253 | MC100LVEL05 | MCP3201 |
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