The HV9982 is a three-channel, closed loop, peak current mode PWM controller for driving a constant output current. It can be used for driving either RGB LEDs or multiple channels of white LEDs. The HV9982 includes a 40V linear regulator which provides an 8.0V supply to power the IC. The switching frequencies of the three converters are controlled by an external clock signal. The channels operate at a switching frequency of 1/12th of the external clock frequency and are positioned 120O out-of-phase to reduce the input current ripple. Each converter is driven by a peak current mode controller with output current feedback. The three output currents can be individually dimmed using either linear or PWM dimming. The IC also includes three disconnect FET drivers which enable high PWM dimming ratios and also help to disconnect the input in case of an output short circuit condition. HV9982 includes a hiccup mode protection for both open LED and short circuit condition with automatic recovery when the fault clears.
Switch mode controller for single-switch converters
Closed loop control of output current
♦ Buck
♦ Boost
High PWM dimming ratio
Internal 40V linear regulator
Constant frequency operation
Programmable slope compensation
Linear and PWM dimming
+0.2A/-0.4A gate drives for the switching FETs
Output short circuit protection
Output over voltage protection
Hiccup mode protection
Analog control of PWM dimming
大家好,在前两期分别向大家介绍了电装纯正压缩机修理 和喷油器修理技术开发 ,本期将继续带大家了解,为推进碳中和做出积极贡献的混合动力汽车电池修理(以下简称 “HV电池修理” )。 提问环节到 电装
的成本相对传统的CMOS 要高很多。对于一些用途单一的LCD 和LED高压驱动芯片,它们的要求是驱动商压信号,并没有大功率的要求,所以一种基于传统 CMOS 工艺制程技术的低成本的HV-CMOS 工艺
...效率可达90% 以上,而且具有电路简单、成本低的特点。HV9982 是这种电路的典型控制芯片。HV9982 有三路输出,R、G、B 各一路,最高输入电压为40 V, 最多可以同时驱动54 颗LED, 具有输出短路保护、输出过压保护、Hiccup 模式保护...
高压 LM317HV 系列 IC 将超越 LM317 IC 的传统电压限制,并能够控制可能高达 60V 的电源。
富士通半导体推出了用于HV/EV电机控制的32位微控制器MB91580系列,以及用于驾驶辅助显示控制的系统LSI MB86R11。我们不妨来看看两款器件到底有哪些具体功能和特点,又在汽车中发挥怎样
此降压型拓扑结构电路并没有与线电压隔离。 LED 必须在交流电源开启之前就与驱动器相通连。
LV/HV P-Well BCD技术能够实现低压 5 V 与高压 100~700 V(或更高)兼容的 BCD 工艺。为了便于高低压 MOS 器件兼容集成,采用源区为硼磷双扩散形成沟道的具有漂移区的偏置栅结构的 HV LDMOS 器件。改变漂移区的长度,宽度,结深度以...
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