HV9113 is a BiCMOS/DMOS single-output, pulse width modulator IC intended for use in high-speed, high-efficiency switch mode power supplies. It provides all the functions necessary to implement a single-switch current mode PWM, in any topology, with a minimum of external parts.Because the HV9113 utilizesproprietary BiCMOS/DMOS technology, it requires less than one tenth of the operating power of conventional bipolar PWM ICs, and can operate at more than twice their switching frequency. The dynamic range for regulation is also increased, to approximately 8 times that of similar bipolar parts. It starts directly from any DC input voltage between 10 and 120VDC, requiring no external power resistor. The output stage is push-pull CMOS and thus requires no clamping diodes for protection, even when significant lead length exists between the output and the external MOSFET. The clock frequency is set with a single external resistor. Accessory functions are included to permit fast remote shutdown (latching or non-latching) and under voltage shutdown. For similar ICs intended to operate directly from up to 450VDC input, please consult the data sheets for the HV9120 and HV9123.For detailed circuit and application information, please refer to application notes AN-H13 and AN-H21 to AN-H24.
10 to 120V input voltage range
Current-mode control
High efficiency
Up to 1.0MHz internal oscillator
Internal start-up circuit
Low internal noise
99% maximum duty cycle
HV9113 封装图
HV9113 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
HV9113NG-G | Knowles | 贴片电容(MLCC) 2225 1.5nF ±1% 50V C0G(NP0) | 立即购买 |
的成本相对传统的CMOS 要高很多。对于一些用途单一的LCD 和LED高压驱动芯片,它们的要求是驱动商压信号,并没有大功率的要求,所以一种基于传统 CMOS 工艺制程技术的低成本的HV-CMOS 工艺
概述 AP9113 是一款采用大规模集成电路技术,专门为使用干电池的 LED 手电筒设计的专用集成电路。 AP9113 适用于一节或两节干电池应用的 LED 的驱动。 AP 9113 外围电路简单
大家好,在前两期分别向大家介绍了电装纯正压缩机修理 和喷油器修理技术开发 ,本期将继续带大家了解,为推进碳中和做出积极贡献的混合动力汽车电池修理(以下简称 “HV电池修理” )。 提问环节到 电装
AP9113 可靠性高、效率高、工作电压范围宽、使用简单、生产一致性好。通过外围电感元件的调节,可满足 LED 手电筒对不同亮度的要求。
AP9113 概述: AP9113 是一款采用大规模集成电路技术,专门为使用干电池的 LED 手电筒设计的专用集成电路。 AP9113 适用于一节或两节干电池应用的 LED 的驱动。 AP 9113 外围电路简单,只需外加一个电感元件,即可构成 LED 手电筒驱...
TDA9113各引脚功能及电压数据资料 1-TTL电平行同步信号输入 2-TTL电平场同步信号输入
全球高性能模拟混合信号半导体设计和制造领导厂商Intersil公司(纳斯达克全球交易代码:ISIL)今天宣布,推出具有卓越功率密度与效率的升压转换器产品系列--- ISL9113。这些新升压转换
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