The HV7620 is a low-voltage serial to high-voltage parallel converter with push-pull outputs. This device has been designed for use as a driver for color AC plasma displays.The device has 4 parallel 8-bit shift registers permitting data rates four times the speed of one. The data is clocked in simultaneously on all four data inputs with a single clock. Data is shifted in on a low to high transition of the clock. The latches and control logic perform the output enable function.The DIR pin causes clockwise (CW) shifting of the data when connected to VDD1, and counterclockwise (CCW) shifting when connected to LVGND. Operation of the shift register is not affected by the LE (latch enable) input. Transfer of data from the shift registers to the latches occurs when the LE input is high. Data is stored in the latches when LEis low.The current source on the logic inputs provides active pull up when the input pins are open.
HVCMOS® technology
5.0V logic and 12V supply rail
Output voltage up to +200V
Low power level shifting
Source/sink current minimum 50mA
40MHz equivalent data rate
Latched data outputs
Forward and reverse shifting options (DIR pin)
Chip select
Polarity function
HV7620 封装图
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HV7620PG-G | - | - | 立即购买 |
...备现身AIbenchmark,它搭载的是麒麟990 5G芯片,AI跑分高达76206,是第二名麒麟810的两倍之多。爆料人士Slashleaks指出,“Huawei Dev Phone”可能是华为Mate 30或者是Mate 30 Pro的原型机,它配备8GB内存,运行Android 10系统。
大家好,在前两期分别向大家介绍了电装纯正压缩机修理 和喷油器修理技术开发 ,本期将继续带大家了解,为推进碳中和做出积极贡献的混合动力汽车电池修理(以下简称 “HV电池修理” )。 提问环节到 电装
PAJ-7620U2是由原相科技公司开发的一款手势识别芯片, 内集成了光学数组式传感器单元,可以快速准确的对输入信号进行感应和输出处理。内置光源和环境光抑制滤波器,能在黑暗或低光环境下工作。它支持上、下、左、右、前、后、顺时针旋转、逆时针旋转和挥动的手势动作识别,以及支持物体接近检测等功能。
PAJ7620是ALIENTEK推出的一款高性能手势识别传感器模块。该模块采用原相科技(Pixart)公司的 PAJ7620U2芯片,芯片内部集成了光学数组式传感器,以使复杂的手势和光标模式输出
基于OV7620和ARM开发的图像采集系统 SCCB控制,图像数据的采集、处理以及传输都由一片LPC22lO完成,特别适合于对功耗、体积要求较严格的嵌入式应用。利
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