HV2221 is a low charge injection, 8-channel, unipolar, negative high voltage, analog switch integrated circuit (IC) intended for use in applications requiring high voltage switching controlled by low voltage control signals, such as NDT ultrasound flaw detection, medical ultrasound imaging, piezoelectric transducer drivers, and printers.Data is input into an 8-bit shift register that can then be retained in an 8-bit latch. To reduce any possible clock feed-through noise, the latch enable bar should be left high until all bits are clocked in. Data is clocked in during the rising edge of the clock. Using HVCMOS technology, this device combines high voltage bilateral DMOS switches and low power CMOS logic to provide efficient control of high voltage analog signals.
Low on-resistance,14Ω max.
HVCMOS technology for high performance
3.3 or 5.0V CMOS input logic level
20MHz data shift clock frequency
Very low quiescent power dissipation (-10µA)
Low parasitic capacitance
DC to 50MHz small signal frequency response
-60dB typical off-isolation at 5MHz
CMOS logic circuitry for low power
Excellent noise immunity
Cascadable serial data register with latches
Flexible operating supply voltages
HV2221 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
HV2221FG-G | TDK | 贴片电容(MLCC) 35V X7R 1206 ±20% 4.7µF | 立即购买 |
的成本相对传统的CMOS 要高很多。对于一些用途单一的LCD 和LED高压驱动芯片,它们的要求是驱动商压信号,并没有大功率的要求,所以一种基于传统 CMOS 工艺制程技术的低成本的HV-CMOS 工艺
P2221无源探头产品组合具有大动态范围、高输入电阻和坚固耐用的机械设计,为您提供经济有效的无源探测解决方案。 特性和优点: 1X/10X 衰减 200 MHz 带宽 长 1.5 米
问题: 泰克无源探头P2220和P2221的区别是什么? 答: P2220和P2221之间的唯一区别是补偿范围。 P2220:15 to 25 pF P2221:10 to 25 pF P2221
HMC-C018 | HMC8100 | HMC-C045 | HMC445 |
H11AV1M | HV2321 | HMC683 | HMC584 |
HMC1086 | HMC575 | HMC998APM5E | HMC8401-DIE |
HMC6590 | HMC-XDB112 | HMC1126 | HMC842 |
HMC-C021 | HMC413 | HMC1126 | HMC-C083 |