

    EMC1812 is a 2 channel 1.8V temperature sensor with 1C accuracy, rate of change, alert, therm, beta comp, REC and I2C



    The EMC1812 is a 1.8V, 2 channel, high accuracy, 2-Wire (I2C compatible) temperature sensor. Advanced features such as Rate of Change, Resistance Error Correction (REC), Beta Compensation (to support CPU diodes requiring the BJT/transistor model), and Ideality Configuration combine to provide a robust solution for complex environmental monitoring applications.

    The EMC1812 monitors is the first device family  to introduce rate of change functionality.  This data, in addition to the temperature itself, facilitates a preemptive system  f. This type of data can help customer better regulatetheir applications tocontrol temperature.

    Resistance Error Correction automatically eliminates the temperature error caused by series resistance allowing greater flexibility in routing thermal diodes. Beta Compensation eliminates temperature errors caused by low, variable beta transistors common in today's fine geometry processors. This frees the user from providing unique sensor configurations for each temperature monitoring application. These advanced features plus ±1° measurement accuracy provide a low-cost, highly flexible and accurate solution for critical temperature monitoring applications.


      1.8V Logic Levels, Compatible with EIA/JEDEC8-7 Standard

      Rate of Temperature Change Calculation with Preemptive Alert Limits (Patent-Pending)

      dT/dt Measurement

      Programmable Duration and Gain

      Limits on Rates with Alert

      1 External Temperature Monitors

      ±1°C Max Accuracy, 25°C to 125°C Ta, 0°C to 127°C Td

      ±2°C Max Accuracy, -40°C to 125°C Ta, -40°C to 127°C Td

      0.125 Resolution

      Resistance Error Correction for 100Ω

      Automatic Beta Compensation with BJT/Transistor Model Support

      Ideality Factor Configuration

      Supports up to 2.2nF Diode Filter Capacitor

      Internal Temperature

      ±°1C Max Accuracy, -40°C to 125°C

      0.125 Resolution

      2-Wire / I2C compatible interface

      Up to 400kHz Clock Rate

      Support Both Byte and Block Operation

      Contiguous Block for Read of All Temperatures

      Programmable or Fixed Address Options

      Frequency Hopping Technology Eliminates Noise Sensitivity (Patented)

      ALERT (Bar) pin, Maskable

      SMBUs / I2C Compatible Interrupt

      Configurable as Comparator

      THERM pin, Non-Maskable (Bar),

      Acts as Interrupt or Comparator

      Programmable temperature limits for ALERT# and THERM#

      Anti-parallel Diodes for Extra Diode Support

      Register Compatible with EMC141X, EMC142X, and EMC118X

      Operating Voltage:1.62V to 2.75V

      Temperature Range: -40°C to +125°C

      Available in 8-Lead 2x2 mm WDFN


      Temperature Sensitive Storage

      Portable Electronics

      IOT for Low System Voltage

      Handheld Gaming



      Embedded applications



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