The EMC1212 is a temperature sensor that communicates with a host over a single-wire Microchip BudgetBus™ Sensor Interface. The EMC1212 monitors one internal diode and one remote temperature zone. Packaged in a SOT23-5, the EMC1212 provides an accurate, low-cost, low-current, solution for critical temperature monitoring in applications such as embedded systems or computers. When used in combination with an Microchip Super I/O host, such as a keyboard controller, a complete thermal management system is created. A power down mode extends battery life in portable applications. The internal 11-bit sigma delta temperature-to-digital converter provides superb linearity, high accuracy and excellent noise immunity.
The EMC1212 is designed to operate with 65nm or 90nm PNP substrate transistor used as a thermal diode with the collector connected to ground.
Note: The EMC1212 is not recommended for new designs. The EMC1412 is the suggested replacement device for this product.
Single Wire BBUS Interface
Resistance Error Correction
Beta Compensation
External Temperature Monitor
0.125°C resolution
±1°C Accuracy 60°C to 100°C
Diode Fault Reporting
Internal Temperature Monitor
Range 0°C to +85°C
0.125°C resolution
±1.5°C Accuracy 50°C to 70°C
3.0V to 3.6V
<5uA in Standby
Desktop and Notebook Computers
Hardware Management
EMC问题是电子硬件开发设计中常常会碰到的问题,不好的电路设计,EMC问题是很多的,这会非常影响整个电子硬件主板的最终性能。 所以在实际的硬件开发中,如果能明白EMC的三大规律,对于EMC
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大家可能已经习惯了高速先生善于解决各种高速信号和电源信号的疑难杂症,让很多从事EMC行业的粉丝们感觉格格不入。别急,今天就show一下我们在EMC方面的积累案例哈! 高速先生真的不只是专注于
1、HDMI接口EMC设计标准电路 2、LVDS接口EMC设计标准电路 3、PS2接口EMC设计标准电路 4、RJ11EMC设计标准电路 5、RS232 EMC设计标准电路 6、RS485 EMC
EMC2300 | EGP10G | EGP30J | EMC1043 |
EMI2121 | EMI804X | ECMF02-2HSMX6 | EMI9408 |
EMC1047 | EMD5DXV6 | ESDU5V0H4 | EMI4182 |
ESD5481 | EMW3088 | EMC1438 | ESD11B |
EA2M | EMC1184 | EGP20C | EMC1424 |