Factory Set GainGain of 2.2 Compensates for System Gain LossMinimizes External ComponentsTight Control of Gain and Gain Matching (0.1%)
Optimum Dual PinoutSimplifies PCB LayoutLow Crosstalk of -70dB @ 5MHz
Excellent Video Specifications (RL=150 Ω)Gain Flatness 0.1dB to 50MHz0.01% Differential Gain Error0.02° Differential Phase Error
Low Power of 50 mW/Amplifier (5mA)
High Speed and Fast Settling260MHz, -3dB Bandwidth750 V/µs Slew Rate (2 V Step), 800 V/µs 4 V Step)40 ns Settling Time to 0.1% (2V Step)
Low Distortion of -65dBc THD, fc=5MHz
High Output Drive of Over 70mA
The AD8079 is a dual, low power, high speed buffer designed to operate on ±5 V supplies. The AD8079's pinout offers excellent input and output isolation compared to the traditional dual amplifier pin configuration. With two ac ground pins separating both the inputs and outputs, the AD8079 achieves very low crosstalk of less than -70 dB at 5 MHz.
Additionally, the AD8079 contains gain setting resistors factory set at G = +2.0 (A grade) or Gain = +2.2 (B grade) allowing circuit configurations with minimal external components. The B grade gain of +2.2 compensates for gain loss through a system by providing a single-point trim. Using active laser trimming of these resistors, the AD8079 guarantees tight control of gain and channel-channel gain matching. With its performance and figuration, the AD8079 is well suited for driving differential cables and transformers. Its low distortion and fast settling are ideal for buffering high speed dual or differential A-to-D converters.
The AD8079 features a unique transimpedance linearization circuitry. This allows it to drive video loads with excellent differential gain and phase performance of 0.01% and 0.02° on only 50 mW of power per amplifier. It features gain flatness of 0.1 dB to 50 MHz. This makes the AD8079 ideal for professional video electronics such as cameras and video switchers.
The AD8079 offers low power of 5 mA/amplifier (VS = ±5 V) and can run on a single +12 V power supply while delivering over 70 mA of load current. All of this is offered in a small 8-pin SOIC package. These features make this amplifier ideal for portable and battery powered applications where size and power are critical.
The outstanding bandwidth of 260 MHz along with 800 V/µs of slew rate make the AD8079 useful in many general purpose high speed applications where dual power supplies of ±3 V to ±6 V are required.
The AD8079 is available in the industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.
集特智能全新推出新款国产双路服务器GSC-210,是一款专门应对严苛环境使用的机架式产品。 机身整体采用镀锌合金板,尺寸为490mm × 430mm × 88.5mm,重量约15KG。 机身前面板为一组指示灯、开关,后面板接口为两个冗余电源、一个消音按键、一个VGA接口、一个BMC接口、两个千兆网口、四个USB 2.0接口、一个RS232网口、另外配有一组PCIe接口。 内部共有两颗海光HG3350处理器,主频3.0Ghz,提供8个内存插槽,最大可支持512GB,拥有2个PCle3.0 x16 插槽、1个 PCle3.0 x8 插
PCB插件是在PCB设计软件中使用的扩展工具,用于简化和增强PCB设计过程。这些插件提供了许多功能和特性,帮助工程师更快速、高效地完成电路板设计。今天捷多邦小编就与大家详细的讲解pcb插件的特点吧~ 以下是关于PCB插件的主要特点: 1.功能丰富:PCB插件提供了各种功能,包括自定义布局、RF设计、信号完整性分析、3D模型创建等。这些功能使得设计师能够更灵活地进行设计,并解决复杂问题。 2.自动化:许多插件具有自动化功能,例如自动布线、元
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在数字化、网络化、智能化高度融合的今天,工业领域正迎来一场深刻的变革。边缘计算工业网关,作为这场变革中的关键角色,以其强大的数据处理能力、高效的通信效率和灵活的部署方式,为智能制造注入了新的活力。本文将结合一个实际应用案例,深入探讨边缘计算工业网关在工业生产中的价值与应用。 边缘计算工业网关,是边缘计算技术与工业网关技术的完美结合。它位于网络边缘侧,具备数据采集、处理、存储和通信等功能,能够实时收集和
在上篇文章中,已经说明了有状态(stateful)模型的“控制输入”与“隐式状态管理”的使用方式,本文内容接着就继续说明“调度策略”的使用。 (续前一篇文章的编号) (3) 调度策略(Scheduling Strategies) 在决定如何对分发到同一模型实例的序列进行批处理时,序列批量处理器(sequence batcher)可以采用以下两种调度策略的其中一种: 直接(direct)策略 当模型维护每个批量处理槽的状态,并期望给定序列的所有推理请求都分发到同一槽,以便正确更新
ADM1171 | AD7924 | ADIS16223 | ATMEGA88-20MU |
ADV7391 | AD7492 | ATTINY48 | ADAS1000-3 |
ADuM230D | AD9680 | ADP8140 | ATA8510 |
ADSP-2188N | AD5722 | ADPD106 | AD8130 |
ADF4156 | ADP1707 | ADP5073 | ADM1816 |