This low threshold, enhancement-mode (normally-off) transistor utilizes a vertical DMOS structure andwell-proven, silicon-gate manufacturing process. This combination produces a device with the power handling capabilities of bipolar transistors and the high input impedance and positive temperature coefficient inherent in MOS devices. Characteristic of all MOS structures, this device is free from thermal runaway and thermally-induced secondary breakdown.Vertical DMOS FETs are ideally suited to a wide range of switching and amplifying applications where very low threshold voltage, high breakdown voltage, high input impedance, low input capacitance, and fast switching speeds are desired.
High input impedance and high gain
Low power drive requirement
Ease of paralleling
Low CISS and fast switching speeds
Excellent thermal stability
Integral source-drain diode
Free from secondary breakdown
TP2104 封装图
TP2104 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
TP2104N3-G-P003 | Microchip | MOSFETP-CH40V0.175ATO92-3 | 立即购买 |
TP2104K1-G | Microchip | MOSFET P-CH 40V 0.16A SOT23-3 | 立即购买 |
TP2104N3-G | Microchip | MOSFET P-CH 40V 0.175A TO92-3 | 立即购买 |
LPC2104是PHILIPS公司专为嵌入式应用提供的高性价比微控制器解决方案。它采用ARM公司的16位/32位RISC结构,内核是ARM7TDMI-S,CPU操作频率可达60MHz,片上集成:具有ISP和IAP功能的128KB Flash程序存储器、16KB静态RAM、2个UART、1个I2C串行接...
TP4056 是一款完整的单节锂离子电池采用恒定电流/恒定电压线性充电器。其底部带有散热片的ESOP8/EMSOP8封装与较少的外部元件数目使得TP4056成为便携式应用的理想选择。TP4056 可以适合 USB 电源和适配器电源工作。
5v转3.3v 电平转换电路 :下图为MPS公司的MP2104 与之电路可以PIN对PIN的还有RT8008等芯片
TMS320F28379D | TC4421 | TN5335 | TPS62000-HT |
TC6502 | TC7660 | TN0110 | TMMBAT46 |
TC6501 | TL494 | TPS65983 | TPS53632G |
TPS76901-HT | TC428 | TPS82150 | TPS61200 |
TPS82130 | TPS53667 | TPD2E001 | TLC3578 |