The PIC24E general purpose MCUs feature the highest speed 70 MIPS core with excellent performance and code density. It offers superior ADC performance, CTMU, Op Amps and Peripheral Trigger Generator (PTG) for high-end general purpose applications. These devices are available in various packages and with extended (125°C) temp option.
Operating Conditions3.0V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +85ºC, DC to 70 MIPS
3.0V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +125ºC, DC to 60 MIPS
PIC24E MCU CoreModified Harvard Architecture
C Compiler Optimized Instruction Set
16-bit Wide Data Path
24-bit Wide Instructions
16x16 Integer Multiply Operations
32/16 and 16/16 Integer Divide Operations
Advanced Analog FeaturesADC module:- Configurable as 10-bit, 1.1 Msps with four S&H or 12-bit, 500 ksps with one S&H
Up to three Op amp/Comparators:- Op Amp direct connection to the ADC module- Additional dedicated comparator- Programmable references with 32 voltage points for comparators
Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU):- Supports mTouch™ capacitive touch sensing
Timers/Output Compare/Input Capture12 general purpose timers:- Five 16-bit and up to two 32-bit timers/counters- Four OC modules configurable as timers/counters- PTG module with two configurable timers/counters
Four IC modules
Peripheral Trigger Generator (PTG) for scheduling complex sequences
Communication InterfacesTwo UART modules (15 Mbps)
Two 4-wire SPI modules (15 Mbps)
Two I2C™ modules (up to 1 Mbaud) with SMBus support
PPS to allow function remap
Programmable Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
Direct Memory Access (DMA)4-channel DMA with user-selectable priority arbitration
UART, SPI, ADC, IC, OC, and Timers
PIC24EP32GP203 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
PIC24EP32GP203T-E/TL | NXP | IC MCU 8BIT 16KB FLASH 32LQFP | 立即购买 |
PIC24EP32GP203-I/TL | TI | IC REG LINEAR 3.3V 100MA TO92-3 | 立即购买 |
PIC24EP32GP203T-I/TL | IDT | IC PCI SW 48LANE 12PORT 1156BGA | 立即购买 |
以下程序使用PIC12C508 单片机 ,内部4MHz时钟,4脚输入50HZ脉冲信号,7,6,3脚(GP0,GP1,GP4端口)为输出口。其中渐变部分是让灯慢慢的变亮(或灭)。
HBird v2 E203是芯来的RISCV的开源(项目,Apache 2.0 License 。主要功能如下框图:
这是0-24VDC数字PIC电源电路。这种可变电源由 PIC 单片机控制。该电路中有液晶显示器,可显示电源输出的当前值。该电源使用按钮开关来调节输出电压和电流值。
PIC24FJ64GU205 Curiosity Nano 评估工具包是一款硬件平台,用于评估 PIC24FJGU205 系列单片机。该评估板上装有 PIC24FJ64GU205 单片机(MCU)。
。 PIC24FJ128GC010 系列将高速 16 位 PIC24 MCU 与模拟外设相结合。除了 USB 和液晶显示器 (LCD) 控制器等数字模块外,PIC24FJ128GC010 还具有一个 12 位 10 Msps 流水线
Microchip PIC24F Android 附件开发平台
本视频介绍了一款基于PIC24F “GB2”系列单片机的演示。该系列单片机具有超低功耗特性并集成加密引擎。演示了包含PIC24F “GB2”单片机的16位XLP开发板与Microchip