General Purpose PIC18 J-series Microcontroller providing 10 MIPS performance at 3V with 8MHz internal oscillator and lower sleep power than the 18F87J10 family. These devices are easily adapted for cost sensitive application such as data loggers, control panels, home security, car alarms, and seat controllers.
CPUUp to 10 MIPS Performance at 3V
C compiler optimized RISC architecture
8x8 Single Cycle Hardware Multiply
SystemInternal oscillator support-31 kHz to 8MHz with 4xPLL
Fail-Safe Clock Monitor- allows safe shutdown if clock fails
Watchdog Timer with separate RC oscillator
Wide operating Voltage range; 2.0V to 5.5V
nanoWatt Power Managed ModesRun, Idle and SLEEP modes
Analog Features10-bit ADC, 12 channels, 100K samples per second
Programmable Low Voltage Detection Module
Programmable Brown-out-Reset Module
Two Analog Comparators
PeripheralsMaster Synchronous Serial Port supports SPI™ and I2C™ master and slave mode
EUSART module including LIN bus support
Four Timer modules
Two Capture Compare PWM modules
PIC18F63J11 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
PIC18F63J11-I/PT | Honeywell | LOW HERMETIC THERMOSTAT | 立即购买 |
随着汽车电子技术的不断发展,传统的无线门禁系统已无法满足广大用户的需求。免持式被动无钥匙门禁系统PKE(Passive Keyless Entry)正迅速成为汽车远程无钥匙门禁应用的主流,并成为新型汽车的普遍选择。在汽车装配有PKE智能...
Microchip的PIC18F8585 MCU,这是一款带CAN接口的MCU。
芯片烧录行业领导者-昂科技术近日发布最新的烧录软件更新及新增支持的芯片型号列表,其中昂科发布软件更新支持Microchip微芯的PIC18 Q84系列PIC18F26Q84的烧录已经被昂科的通用烧录平台AP8000所支持。
在本案例中,本文将介绍如何将16×2 LCD显示屏连接到PIC18F系列的PIC18F4550单片机。
Microchip公司的PIC18F46J50是采用nanoWatt XLP技术的低功耗高性能8位USB微控制器(MCU),深度睡眠模式的电流可低到13nA,工作电压2.0V~3.6V,片内集成了2.5V稳压器,具有丰富外设,主要用在智能手机、音频附属设备、视频游戏外设和先进的医疗电子。