PIC16(L)F1885X/7X microcontrollers feature Analog, Core Independent Peripherals and communication peripherals, combined with eXtreme Low Power (XLP) for a wide range of general purpose and low-power applications. The family will feature the CRC/SCAN, HLT and Windowed WDT to support customers looking to add safety to their application. Additionally, this family includes up to 56 KB of Flash memory, along with a 10-bit ADC with Computation (ADC2) for automated signal analysis to reduce the complexity of the application.
Demonstration Platform
Internet of Things Sensor Badge with interactive control via motion, multiple sensors, RGB LEDs and bluetooth communication.
Enhanced Mid-range Core with 49 Instruction, 16 Stack Levels
Adjustable Internal Oscillator (1-32MHz)
2x 10-bit PWMs
5x Capture, Compare, PWM (CCP)
Complementary Waveform Generator (CWG)
Numerically Controlled Oscillator (NCO)
4x Configurable Logic Controller (CLC)
10-bit ADC with Computation (ADC2)
5-bit Digital to Analog Converter (DAC)
Data Signal Modulator (DSM)
Zero Cross Detect (ZCD)
Cyclical Redundancy Check (CRC/SCAN)
Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT)
Peripheral Pin Select (PPS)
Enhanced Power-On/Off-Reset
Low-Power Brown-Out Reset (LPBOR)
Programmable Brown-Out Reset (BOR)
In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP)
PIC16LF18856 (1.8V – 3.6V)
PIC16F18856 (2.3V – 5.5V)
PIC16F18856 封装图
PIC16F18856 封装图
PIC16F18856 封装图
PIC16F18856 封装图
PIC16F18856 封装图
PIC16F18856 封装图
PIC16F18856 封装图
PIC16F18856 封装图
PIC16F18856 封装图
PIC16F18856 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
PIC16F18856T-I/MV | Microchip | TVS DIODE 14VWM 23.2VC DO214AB | 立即购买 |
PIC16LF18856T-I/MV | Microchip | TVS DIODE 170V 275V DO214AB | 立即购买 |
PIC16LF18856T-I/SS | Microchip | TVS DIODE 13VWM 21.5VC DO214AB | 立即购买 |
PIC16F18856T-I/SO | Microchip | TVS DIODE 150VWM 243VC DO214AB | 立即购买 |
PIC16LF18856T-I/ML | Microchip | TVS DIODE 14VWM 23.2VC DO214AB | 立即购买 |
PIC16LF18856T-I/SO | Microchip | TVS DIODE 130VWM 209VC DO214AB | 立即购买 |
PIC16F84产生两组PWM输出的实例源程序 ;********************************************************************** list
在本教程中,我们将DAC MCP4921 与 Microchip PIC16F877A 接口以进行数模转换。
随着汽车电子技术的不断发展,传统的无线门禁系统已无法满足广大用户的需求。免持式被动无钥匙门禁系统PKE(Passive Keyless Entry)正迅速成为汽车远程无钥匙门禁应用的主流,并成为新型汽车的普遍选择。在汽车装配有PKE智能...
。以下是本周新品情报,请及时查收: 传感器信号调理和实时控制解决方案 Microchip Technology PIC16F18015/25/44/45 MCU 贸泽电子即日起
在本教程中,我们将热敏打印机 CSN A1 与广泛使用的 PIC 微控制器 PIC16F877A 连接。在本项目中,热敏打印机连接在PIC16F877A上,并使用轻触开关开始打印。通知 LED 还用于通知打印状态。仅当打印活动正在进行时,它才会发光。
PIC16F877A-I/P开发板 学习板 核心板 标准版本 引出常用接口,可接微雪外围模块 型号 Open16F877A (标准版)