The MIC5800/5801 latched drivers are high-voltage, high-current integrated circuits comprised of four or eight CMOS data latches, a bipolar Darlington transistor driver for each latch, and CMOS control circuitry for the common CLEAR, STROBE, and OUTPUT ENABLE functions.The bipolar/MOS combination provides an extremely low-power latch with maximum interface flexibility. MIC5800 contains four latched drivers; MIC5801 contains eight latched drivers.Data input rates are greatly improved in these devices. With a 5V supply, they will typically operate at better than 5MHz. With a 12V supply, significantly higher speeds are obtained. The CMOS inputs are compatible with standard CMOS, PMOS, and NMOS circuits. TTL or DTL circuits may require the use of appropriate pull-up resistors. The bipolar outputs are suitable for use with relays, solenoids, stepping motors, LED or incandescent displays, and other high-power loads. Both units have open-collector outputs and integral diodes for inductive load transient suppression. The output transistors are capable of sinking 500mA and will sustain at least 50V in the OFF state. Because of limitations on package power dissipation, the simultaneous operation of all drivers at maximum rated current can only be accomplished by a reduction in duty cycle. Outputs may be paralleled for higher load current capability.
4.4MHz minimum data input rate
High-voltage, current sink outputs
Output transient protection
CMOS, PMOS, NMOS, and TTL-compatible inputs
Internal pull-down resistors
Low-power CMOS latches
MIC5801 封装图
MIC5801 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
MIC5801YWM-TR | Exar Corporation | 立即购买 | |
MIC5801YV-TR | Vishay Sprague | 钽电容 C6032-28 15µF ±10% 16V 1.5Ω 6.00 x 3.20mm 2.50mm 270mA | 立即购买 |
MIC5801YV | - | - | 立即购买 |
标题 | 类型 | 大小(KB) | 下载 |
MAX5800数据资料 | 2242.56 | 点击下载 |
Lightspeeur5801SAI加速器高性能、低功耗,是边缘AI设备的最佳选择。 结合低成本,该芯片支持用于大众市场设备应用,如移动,嵌入式和loT。 该加速器使用带有主机处理器的CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks,卷积神经网络)来执行人工智...
CS5801是由ASL集睿致远研发的4K60HZ国产音视频转换芯片,可替代LT6711龙讯芯片,支持HDMI转DP或HDMI转EDP,应用领域例如便携式屏、扩展坞、移动系统和嵌入式应用。 ASL集睿
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