The MIC5800/5801 latched drivers are high-voltage, high-current integrated circuits comprised of four or eight CMOS data latches, a bipolar Darlington transistor driver for each latch, and CMOS control circuitry for the common CLEAR, STROBE, and OUTPUT ENABLE functions.The bipolar/MOS combination provides an extremely low-power latch with maximum interface flexibility. MIC5800 contains four latched drivers; MIC5801 contains eight latched drivers.Data input rates are greatly improved in these devices. With a 5V supply, they will typically operate at better than 5MHz. With a 12V supply, significantly higher speeds are obtained. The CMOS inputs are compatible with standard CMOS, PMOS, and NMOS circuits. TTL or DTL circuits may require the use of appropriate pull-up resistors. The bipolar outputs are suitable for use with relays, solenoids, stepping motors, LED or incandescent displays, and other high-power loads. Both units have open-collector outputs and integral diodes for inductive load transient suppression. The output transistors are capable of sinking 500mA and will sustain at least 50V in the OFF state. Because of limitations on package power dissipation, the simultaneous operation of all drivers at maximum rated current can only be accomplished by a reduction in duty cycle. Outputs may be paralleled for higher load current capability.
4.4MHz minimum data input rate
High-voltage, current sink outputs
Output transient protection
CMOS, PMOS, NMOS, and TTL-compatible inputs
Internal pull-down resistors
Low-power CMOS latches
MIC5800 封装图
MIC5800 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
MIC5800YM-TR | Panasonic - BSG | 立即购买 | |
MIC5800YM | Panasonic | IC SUPERVISOR 1 CHANNEL MINI 3P | 立即购买 |
MIC5800YN | Microchip | IC SUPERVISOR 1 CHANNEL SOT23-3 | 立即购买 |
标题 | 类型 | 大小(KB) | 下载 |
诺基亚5800说明书 (nokia 5800中文使用说明书) | RAR | 2888 | 点击下载 |
诺基亚5800X电路图 (nokia 5800X手机原理图) | RAR | 443 | 点击下载 |
创维5800-PLCD26-01电源板电路图 | 60 | 点击下载 | |
HI5800的评估板的使用方法 | RAR | 274 | 点击下载 |
SWR5800宽带无线接入系统 | RAR | 1249.28 | 点击下载 |
HI5800 pdf datasheet (12-Bit, | RAR | 333 | 点击下载 |
RFD5800 d6无线传输模组 | 237 | 点击下载 | |
诺基亚5800w手机使用说明书 | RAR | 2630 | 点击下载 |
SWR5800宽带无线接入系统介绍 一、概述 SWR5800 OFDM宽带无
LTC5800-IPR 演示电路是将 LTC5800-IPR (QFN) 片内管理器与外部 SRAM 集成的一个例子。作为附加存储器的外部 SRAM 实现了能够管理 100 个微尘 (mote) 的 SmartMesh IP 管理器,可支持包含多于 32 个微尘的网络并增加了管理器的包吞吐量。
根据爆料者 @APISAK 的消息,AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 首次现身 Geekbench 5 数据库。 如上图所示,LENOVO 82L5 设备了搭载 R7 5800H 处理器。参数方面,R7 5800H 为 8 核 16 线程,主频 3.2GHz,三级缓存翻倍至 16MB,搭载了 DDR4-3200 内存。 作为对比,R7 48...
LTC5800 演示电路是将 LTC5800 (QFN) 集成到一个无线传感器网络节点中的例子。本参考设计阐明了针对 RF 天线连接、晶体集成和电源滤波的最优方法,并适用于 LTC5800-xxx 产品,例如: LTC5800-IPM SmartMesh IP 片内微尘 LTC5800-IPR SmartMesh IP ...
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NEC推出2款全新 Express5800 系列 2Way 机架式服务器机种,包含2U高度的 Express5800 / R120d-2M ,以及1U高度的 Express5800 / R120d-1M。新推出的2款机种,在系统运作环境的温度上限方面更加宽裕,使
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MCP6S26 | MC74LVX257 | MJD45H11 | MC1496B |