The MIC4103 and MIC4104 are high frequency, 100V Half Bridge MOSFET drivers with faster turn-off characteristics than the MIC4100 and MIC4101 drivers. They feature fast 24ns propagation delay times and 6ns driver fall times. The low-side and high-side gate drivers are independently controlled and matched to within 3ns typical. The MIC4103 has CMOS input thresholds and the MIC4104 has TTL input thresholds. The MIC4103/4 include a high voltage internal diode that charges the high-side gate drive bootstrap capacitor.A robust, high-speed, and low power level shifter provides clean level transitions to the high side output. The robust operation of the MIC4103/4 helps ensure the outputs are not affected by supply glitches, HS ringing below ground, or HS slewing with high speed voltage transitions. Under-voltage protection is provided on both the low-side and high-side drivers.The MIC4103 and MIC4104 are available in an 8-lead SOIC package with a operating junction temperature range of -40°C to +125°C.
Asymmetrical, low impedance outputs drive 1000pF load with 10ns rise times and 6ns fall times
Bootstrap supply max voltage to 118V DC
Supply voltage up to 16V
Drives high- and low-side N-Channel MOSFETs with independent inputs
CMOS input thresholds (MIC4103)
TTL input thresholds (MIC4104)
On-chip bootstrap diode
Fast 24ns propagation times
Low power consumption
Supply under-voltage protection
Typical 2.5Ω pull up and 1.25Ω pull down output driver resistance
-40°C to +125°C junction temperature range
MIC4104 封装图
MIC4104 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
MIC4104YM | ITT Cannon | CONN PLUG 10POS STRGHT W/SKT | 立即购买 |
主要产品特色: ·Wave Inspector智能存储管理 ·串行触发和分析 ·10.4”更大的显示器, 前面板上USB和CompactFlash端口, 及TekVPI改善的探头接口, 更强的操作渐变性 主要特点: ·350 MHz带宽 ·4通道 ·2.5 GS/s的取样速率 ·所有通道上10 M样点...
西安某电子公司DPO4104B示波器维修案例 一.型号:DPO4104B 二.故障:USB接口不能识别。 泰克DPO4104B示波器USB接口不能识别 三.测试与判断:初步判断接口板故障。 四.维修与处理:维修接口板。 五.维修结果:示波...
...理器一直由意法半导体(STM,2018慕尼黑上海电子展,E4馆4104)制造,被英特尔收购以后,有传言今后EyeQ系列有可能选择英特尔工艺,不过目前来看,至少EyeQ 4和2018年出样片的EyeQ 5还会维持与意法半导体的合作。
本实验采用的测试源为Tektronix AFG3012信号源,Tektronix DPO4104四通道示波器,SS2323可跟踪直流稳定电源。
2019年1月14 日晚间,台湾工研院公告指出,“若是使用华为手机,自 1月15日中午起将无法使用本院的无线内部网络”,公告还通知员工,目前若有(或准备使用)与实验有关的华为设备,请马上与资科中心联系。
mic认证与telec认证介绍 无线产品在各国都有着严格的管控法规标准,在中国有srrc认证,美国有fcc-id,韩国的kcc认证等等,而在日本针对无线产品的认证是telec认证,有人又称之为mic
近日山东某企业送修泰克示波器DPO4104B-L,客户反馈开机故障,对仪器进行初步检测,确定与客户描述故障基本一致。本期将为大家分享本维修案例。 下面就是泰克-DPO4104B-L维修情况
MCP6548 | MC10H123 | MJ15024 | MM74HCT373 |
MC74HC151A | MC100EL91 | MIC2185 | MCP14E9 |
MIC4124 | MC10EP105 | MP45DT02 | MC74ACT244 |
MC14528B | MC33172 | MCP87130 | MCP6401 |
MOC3081M | MCP6564 | MSC1214Y5 | MRF24WN0MA |