描述 The LMP770x are single, dual, and quad low-offset voltage, rail-to-rail input and output precision amplifiers, each with a CMOS input stage and a wide supply voltage range. The LMP770x are part of the LMP™ precision amplifier family and are ideal for sensor interface and other instrumentation applications.The specified low-offset voltage of less than ±200 µV, along with the specified low input bias current of less than ±1 pA, make the LMP7701 ideal for precision applications. The LMP770x are built using VIP50 technology, which allows the combination of a CMOS input stage and a 12-V common-mode and supply voltage range. This makes the LMP770x ideal for applications where conventional CMOS parts cannot operate under the desired voltage conditions. The LMP770x each have a rail-to-rail input stage that significantly reduces the CMRR glitch commonly associated with rail-to-rail input amplifiers. This is achieved by trimming both sides of the complimentary input stage, thereby reducing the difference between the NMOS and PMOS offsets. The output of the LMP770x swings within 40 mV of either rail to maximize the signal dynamic range in applications requiring low supply voltage. The LMP7701 is offered in the space-saving 5-Pin SOT-23 and 8-Pin SOIC package. The LMP7702 is offered in the 8-Pin SOIC and 8-Pin VSSOP package. The quad LMP7704 is offered in the 14-Pin SOIC and 14-Pin TSSOP package. These small packages are ideal solutions for area constrained PC boards and portable electronics.特性 Unless Otherwise Noted, Typical Values at VS = 5 V Input Offset Voltage (LMP7701): ±200-µV (Maximum) Input Offset Voltage (LMP7702/LMP7704):±220-µV (Maximum) Input Bias Current: ±200 fA Input Bias Current: ±200 fA Input Voltage Noise: 9 nV/√Hz CMRR: 130 dB Open-Loop Gain: 130 dB Temperature Range: –40°C to 125°C Unity-Gain Bandwidth: 2.5 MHz Supply Current (LMP7701): 715 µA Supply Current (LMP7702): 1.5 mA Supply Current (LMP7704): 2.9 mA Supply Voltage Range: 2.7 V to 12 V Rail-to-Rail Input and Output
I2C转3路10Bit PWM输出芯片GP7701管脚与应用电路...,3路10bit PWM信号输出,1位地址硬件地址位,支持两路GP7701并联。 输出PWM信号的频率:6Khz 最大PWM占空比误差: 1% PWM占空比线性度误差 0.5% 电源电压:2.4V - 5.5V 功耗:5mA 启动时间:5ms 工作温度:-40C to 85C 描述 GP7701是一个三通道...
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基于一种磁致伸缩的线性位移测量系统LMPS 34介绍TR-Electronic目前提供:高端解决方案LMPI 46,分辨率为0.001 mm,可直接配备工业以太网。 同样,在测量范围为2.5 m,分辨率为0.1 mm的情况下,简单的行业应用则使用LMP 48更加经济高效。