描述 The LM101A series are general purpose operational amplifiers which feature improved performance over industry standards like the LM709. Advanced processing techniques make possible an order of magnitude reduction in input currents, and a redesign of the biasing circuitry reduces the temperature drift of input current.This amplifier offers many features which make its application nearly foolproof: Overload protection on the input and output, no latch-up when the common mode range is exceeded, and freedom from oscillations and compensation with a single 30 pF Capacitor. It has advantages over internally compensated amplifiers in that the frequency compensation can be tailored to the particular application. For example, in low frequency circuits it can be overcompensated for increased stability margin or the compensation can be optimized to give more than a factor of ten improvement in high frequency performance for most applications.In Addition, the device provides better accuracy and lower noise in high impedance circuitry. The low input currents also make it particularly well suited for long interval integrators or timers, sample and hold circuits and low frequency waveform generators. Further, replacing circuits where matched transistor pairs buffer the inputs of conventional IC op amps, It can give lower offset voltage and a drift at a lower cost.The LM101A is ensured over a temperature range of −55°C to +125°C, the LM201A from −25°C to +85°C, and the LM301A from 0°C to +70°C.特性 Improved Specifications include: Offset Voltage 3 mV Maximum Over Temperature (LM101A/LM201A) Input Current 100 nA Maximum Over Temperature (LM101A/LM201A) Offset Current 20 nA Maximum Over Temperature (LM101A/LM201A) Specified Drift Characteristics Offsets Specified Over Entire Common Mode and Supply Voltage Ranges Slew Rate of 10V/μs as a Summing Amplifier
lm339n集成块是什么用途LM339N集成块是一款内部装有四个独立的电压比较器的集成电路,其主要用途广泛且多样。以下是对LM339N集成块用途的介绍: 主要用途 电压比较 : LM339N能够将输入电压与参考电压进行比较,并
基于LM386N的1W立体声音频放大器电路这是 LM386N 的 1W 立体声音频放大器。每个声道的输出功率为 1 瓦,因此立体声声道应使用 LM386N National Semiconductor 的两个 IC。
三星电子推出全光谱中功率器件三星电子近期宣布推出加强型植物照明全光谱中功率器件 – LM301H,助力温室和植物工厂照明应用。全新LM301H 植物照明器件可提供高达 3.10 μmol/J的光子效率。
东风标致301 408限时特价,不玩套路,只玩真诚!东风标致于2017年3月17日,正是发布了新款东风标致301,作为一款中期改款车型,新301在外形与配置上均得到了升级,据悉其售价区间为8.47——10.77万元,共三款车型供消费者选择。外型上,新301接受了来自标致最新的家族式设计,如果说前脸的狮眼大灯还不够显眼。
lm324和lm324n有啥区别?lm324和lm324n有啥区别? LM324和LM324N是两种常用的运算放大器,其中LM324是更广泛使用的原型,而LM324N是该系列的经过优化的新版本。尽管它们很相似,但它们在性能,包装