The KSZ8441 product is an IEEE 1588v2-enabled Ethernet controller device with an internal MAC and PHY that provides integrated communication and synchronization for a range of industrial Ethernet applications.
The KSZ8441 product enables end-point connection in a centralized topology.A flexible 8-/16-/32-bit or PCI bus interface is provided for interfacing to an external host processor.
The KSZ8441 devices incorporate the IEEE 1588v2 protocol. Sub-microsecond synchronization is available via the use of hardware-based time stamping and transparent clocks making it the ideal solution for time-synchronized layer 2 communication in critical industrial applications.Extensive general purpose input/output (GPIO) capabilities are available to use with the IEEE 1588v2 PTP to efficiently and accurately interface to locally-connected devices.Complementing the industry’s most integrated IEEE 1588v2 device is a precision timing protocol (PTP) v2 software stack that has been pre-qualified with the KSZ84xx product family. The PTP stack has been optimized around the KSZ84xx chip architecture, and is available in source code format along with Microchip's chip driver.
The KSZ8441 is built upon Microchip's industry-leading Ethernet technology, with features designed-to-offload host processing and streamline overall design, including:
• 1 integrated 10/100BASE-TX PHY transceiver, featuring the industry’s lowest power consumption
• Flexible management options that support common standard interfaces
• A robust assortment of power management features including energy-efficient Ethernet (EEE) have been designed in to satisfy energy-efficient environments
Microchip's complimentary and confidential LANCheck® online design review service is available for customers who have selected our products for their application design-in. The is subject to Microchip's and requires a myMicrochip account.
Management Capabilities
Robust Ethernet PHY Port
Ethernet MAC
Comprehensive Configuration Registers Access
IEEE1588v2 PTP and Clock Synchronization
Host Interface
Power and Power Management
KSZ8441 封装图
KSZ8441 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
KSZ8441HLI | Abracon | 有源晶振 20MHz ±50ppm 2.5V SMD2016_4P | 立即购买 |
KSZ8441FHLI | SUNTSU | 无源晶振 70Ω 19.2MHz 14pF ±50ppm -20℃~+70℃ SMD3225_4P | 立即购买 |
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童年时光! 短暂而美好! 陪伴你同年的人物有哪些? 在我的记忆里,国内人物的有大闹天宫中的孙悟空,闹海的 哪吒 ,智勇双全的葫芦娃,外国人物有米老鼠和唐老鸭、圣斗士星矢,还有机器猫,聪明的一休,铁臂阿童木…… 日本可是从中国学的动漫制作啊,但后来日本的制作水平似乎超越了中国。女儿出生后,陪她一起看的《熊出没》和《喜羊羊》,认识了光头强和熊大、熊二以及懒羊羊之流。说实话,带有一些粗制滥造的成分,没以前的精细了
KAI-08052 | KSZ9567 | KA324 | KA78RM33R |
KA78M05 | KSZ8895 | KAI-04022 | KSC1674 |
KAI-47051 | KA78R05C | KLI-8023 | KA7553A |
KA78R12C | KA7808E | KSC2223 | KA3525A |
KAI-29050 | KA2807 | KSZ8851 | KAF-4320 |