具有集成双路 VCO 的 5/10 路输出时钟发生器/抖动消除器
描述 The CDCE62005 is a high performance clock generator and distributor featuring low output jitter, a high degree of configurability via a SPI interface, and programmable start up modes determined by on-chip EEPROM. Specifically tailored for clocking data converters and high-speed digital signals, the CDCE62005 achieves jitter performance well under 1 ps RMS (10 kHz to 20 MHz integration bandwidth).The CDCE62005 incorporates a synthesizer block with partially integrated loop filter, a clock distribution block including programmable output formats, and an input block featuring an innovative smart multiplexer. The clock distribution block includes five individually programmable outputs that can be configured to provide different combinations of output formats (LVPECL, LVDS, LVCMOS). Each output can also be programmed to a unique output frequency (up to 1.5 GHz) and skew relationship via a programmable delay block (note that frequency range depends on operational mode and output format selected). If all outputs are configured in single-ended mode (for example, LVCMOS), the CDCE62005 supports up to ten outputs. Each output can select one of four clock sources to condition and distribute including any of the three clock inputs or the output of the frequency synthesizer. The input block includes two universal differential inputs which support frequencies in the range of 40 kHz to 500 MHz and an auxiliary input that can be configured to connect to an external crystal via an on chip oscillator block.The smart input multiplexer has two modes of operation, manual and automatic. In manual mode, the user selects the synthesizer reference via the SPI interface. In automatic mode, the input multiplexer will automatically select between the highest priority input clock available.特性Superior Performance: Low Noise Clock Generator: 550 fs rms typical (10 kHz to 20 MHz Integration Bandwidth), FC = 100 MHz Low Noise Jitter Cleaner: 2.6 ps rms typical (10 kHz to 20 MHz Integration Bandwidth), FC = 100 MHz Flexible Frequency Planning: 5 Fully Configurable Outputs: LVPECL, LVDS, LVCMOS and Special High Swing Output Modes Unique Dual-VCO Architecture Supports a Wide Tuning Range: 1.750 GHz to 2.356 GHz Output Frequency Ranges from 4.25 MHz to 1.175 GHz in Synthesizer Mode Output Frequency up to 1.5 GHz in Fan-Out Mode Independent Coarse Skew Control on all Outputs High Flexibility: Integrated EEPROM Determines Device Configuration at Power-up Smart Input Multiplexer Automatically Switches Between One of Three Reference Inputs 7-mm × 7-mm 48-Pin VQFN Package (RGZ) 40°C to +85°C Temperature Range
智能电网的核心是什么 智能电网的应用有哪些智能电网作为现代电网的新模式,是通过使用一系列先进技术手段,包括物联网、云计算、大数据、人工智能等,来实现对电力系统的优化、协同、智能化管理,提高系统的安全性和可靠性。其核心在于智能化技术和智能化管理模式。
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芯动力科技论文入选ISCA 2024,与国际巨头同台交流研究成果近日,珠海市芯动力科技有限公司团队携手帝国理工、剑桥大学、清华大学、中山大学等顶尖学府的计算机架构团队,共同撰写的论文《Circular Reconfigurable Parallel Processor for Edge Computing》(RPP芯片架构)成功被第51届计算机体系结构国际研讨会(ISCA 2024)的Industry Track收录。此外,我们荣幸地 受邀在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯举行的ISCA 2024会议上发表演讲,与Intel、AMD等国际知名企业同台交流。 本届ISCA共收到来自全球423篇高质量论文投稿,经过严谨的评审流程
智能电网的优势有哪些 智能电网前景大不大智能电网是一种利用技术手段进行实现的新型电网,相比传统电网,具有以下优势:
1. 高可靠性:智能电网具备报警、检测、预测和防护的功能,能够快速响应异常情况,并给出及时周全的解决方案,保证电力系统的稳定和可靠运行。
2. 绿色环保:智能电网是可以处理多种能源的,能够优化能源的调配,降低本地的二氧化碳排放,从而实现绿色环保。
RA6T2 IIR滤波器加速器应用指南 [6] 滤波器设计方法(下)3. 滤波器设计方法 3.3 使用MATLAB提取系数 3.3.1 使用filterBuilder进行设计 以下步骤详细说明了如何使用MATLAB的DSP系统工具箱中的filterBuilder工具,设计与IIRFA模块(具有以100Hz为中心的通带)兼容的带通滤波器的过程。 打开MATLAB。在 Command Window (命令窗口)中键入命令filterbuilder,然后按 Enter 。 图8. 运行filterbuilder命令 将弹出 Response Selection (响应选择)窗口,提示您选择一个滤波器响应。选择 Bandpass (带通),然后按 OK (确定)。 图9. 选择滤波器响应 F