16 位 100kSPS 串行输出的 2.7V 至 5.5V 微功耗采样 ADC
描述The ADS8325 is a 16-bit, sampling, Analog-to-Digital (A/D) converter specified for a supply voltage range from 2.7V to 5.5V. It requires very little power, even when operating at the full 100kHz data rate. At lower data rates, the high speed of the device enables it to spend most of its time in the power-down mode. For example, the average power dissipation is less than 1mW at a 10kHz data rate.The ADS8325 offers excellent linearity and very low noise and distortion. It also features a synchronous serial (SPI/SSI compatible) interface and a differential input. The reference voltage can be set to any level within the range of 2.5V to VDD. Low power and small size make the ADS8325 ideal for portable and battery-operated systems. It is also a perfect fit for remote data acquisition modules, simultaneous multichannel systems, and isolated data acquisition. The ADS8325 is available in MSOP-8 and SON-8 packages. The SON package size is the same as a 3x3 QFN package.特性16-Bits No Missing CodesVery Low Noise: 3LSBPPExcellent Linearity: ±1.5LSB typmicroPower:4.5mW at 100kHz1mW at 10kHzMSOP-8 and SON-8 Packages (SON Package Size Same as 3x3 QFN)16-Bit Upgrade to the 12-Bit ADS7816and ADS7822Pin-Compatible With the ADS7816, ADS7822, ADS7826, ADS7827, ADS7829, and ADS8320Serial (SPI™/SSI) InterfacesAPPLICATIONSBattery-Operated SystemsRemote Data Acquisition Isolated Data AcquisitionSimultaneous Sampling, Multi-Channel Systems Industrial ControlsRoboticsVibration AnalysisSPI is a trademark of Motorola, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
ADS2023信号完整性新功能分享编者注:ADS2023 Update1.0已经发布多时,之前给大家分享了ADS2023的简要介绍,今天就着这个视频一起来看看ADS2023有哪些新功能是为信号完整性准备的吧!
高通准备推出非5G版骁龙888最新消息:高通正在为骁龙888寻求发布另一个版本,以实现Android旗舰机更低的售价。据报道,这个版本将没有集成5G调制解调器。来自WinFuture的Roland Quandt提供的最新信息谈到,高通计划发布一款新的骁龙888 SoC,代号为SM8325。