信噪比(SNR):71.8 dBc(72.8 dBFS,至70 MHz、125 MSPS)
无杂散动态范围(SFDR):85 dBc (至70 MHz、125 MSPS)
低功耗:750 mW (125 MSPS)
信噪比(SNR):71.6 dBc(72.6 dBFS,至70 MHz、150 MSPS)
无杂散动态范围(SFDR):84 dBc (至70 MHz、150 MSPS)
低功耗:820 mW (150 MSPS)
1.8 V模拟电源供电
1.8 V至3.3V CMOS输出电源或1.8 V LVDS输出电源
中频采样频率达450 MHz
灵活的模拟输入范围:1 V p-p至2 V p-p
The AD9640 is a dual 14-bit, 80/105/125/150 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The AD9640 is designed to support communications applications where low cost, small size, and versatility are desired.The dual ADC core features a multistage, differential pipelined architecture with integrated output error correction logic. Each ADC features wide bandwidth differential sample-and-hold analog input amplifiers supporting a variety of user-selectable input ranges. An integrated voltage reference eases design considerations. A duty cycle stabilizer is provided to compen-sate for variations in the ADC clock duty cycle, allowing the converters to maintain excellent performance.
The AD9640 has several functions that simplify the automatic gain control (AGC) function in the system receiver. The fast detect feature allows fast overrange detection by outputting four bits of input level information with very short latency.
In addition, the programmable threshold detector allows moni-toring of the incoming signal power using the four fast detect bits of the ADC with very low latency. If the input signal level exceeds the programmable threshold, the fine upper threshold indicator goes high. Because this threshold is set from the four MSBs, the user can quickly turn down the system gain to avoid an overrange condition.
The second AGC-related function is the signal monitor. This block allows the user to monitor the composite magnitude of the incoming signal, which aids in setting the gain to optimize the dynamic range of the overall system.
The ADC output data can be routed directly to the two external 14-bit output ports. These outputs can be set from 1.8 V to 3.3 V CMOS or 1.8 V LVDS.
Flexible power-down options allow significant power savings, when desired.
Programming for setup and control is accomplished using a 3-bit SPI-compatible serial interface.
The AD9640 is available in a 64-lead LFCSP and is specified over the industrial temperature range of −40°C to +85°C.
Product Highlights
Integrated dual 14-bit, 80/105/125/150 MSPS ADC.
Fast overrange detect and signal monitor with serial output.
Signal monitor block with dedicated serial output mode.
Proprietary differential input that maintains excellent SNR performance for input frequencies up to 450 MHz.
Operation from a single 1.8 V supply and a separate digital output driver supply to accommodate 1.8 V to 3.3 V logic families.
A standard serial port interface that supports various product features and functions, such as data formatting (offset binary, twos complement, or gray coding), enabling the clock DCS, power-down, and voltage reference mode.
Pin compatibility with the AD9627, AD9627-11, and the AD9600 for a simple migration from 14 bits to 12 bits, 11 bits, or 10 bits.
Diversity radio systems
Multimode digital receivers GSM, EDGE, WCDMA, LTE,CDMA2000, WiMAX, TD-SCDMA
I/Q demodulation systems
Smart antenna systems
General-purpose software radios
Broadband data applications
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差分放大电路是一种广泛应用于模拟电子电路中的放大器,其主要作用是对两个输入信号进行比较和放大。这种电路具有高输入阻抗、低输出阻抗、高共模抑制比(CMRR)和良好的线性特性等优点,因此在许多电子系统中都有广泛应用,如传感器信号放大、音频放大、数据转换器等。 差分放大电路的基本概念 差分放大电路是一种双端输入、单端输出的放大器,其基本结构如图1所示。它由两个晶体管(或运算放大器)组成,分别对应两个输入信号Vin+和V
点击蓝字 关注我们 交错式升压功率因数校正 (PFC) 转换器可以通过负载均流来提高效率,因此它已成为高功率应用的首选拓扑。通过在多个平衡相位中分担负载电流,可以显著减小每相的 RMS 电流应力、电流纹波和升压电感大小。因此,重载效率显著提高,从而允许选择高性价比的功率 MOSFET 和升压二极管,并有利于延长电源的使用寿命。 FAN9673 先进 PFC 控制器是实现高功率 PFC(数千瓦以上)的出色解决方案。 FAN9673 是一款连续导通模式 (CCM) PFC 控制器,
AD736 | AD8075 | AD5665 | ADG604 |
ATSAML22J17A | ATMEGA16A-AU | ADM6320 | ADRF6601 |
ATECC508A | ADG611 | ADUM3153 | AD7175-2 |
AP1117IE33G-13 | AD9863 | ADG1607 | ADM698 |
AD595 | AD7768 | ADuM231E | ADuCM322 |