The Microchip Technology Inc. 93XX46A/B/C devicesare 1Kbit low-voltage serial Electrically ErasablePROMs (EEPROM). Word-selectable devices such asthe 93AA46C, 93LC46C or 93C46C are dependentupon external logic levels driving the ORG pin to setword size. For dedicated 8-bit communication, the93AA46A, 93LC46A or 93C46A devices are available,while the 93AA46B, 93LC46B and 93C46B devicesprovide dedicated 16-bit communication. AdvancedCMOS technology makes these devices ideal for lowpower,nonvolatile memory applications. The entire93XX Series is available in standard packages including8-lead PDIP and SOIC, and advanced packagingincluding 8-lead MSOP, 6-lead SOT-23, 8-lead2x3 DFN and 8-lead TSSOP. All packages are Pb-free(Matte Tin) finish.
Low-Power CMOS Technology
ORG Pin to Select Word Size for ‘46C’ Version
128 x 8-bit Organization ‘A’ Devices (no ORG)
64 x 16-bit Organization ‘B’ Devices (no ORG)
Self-Timed Erase/Write Cycles (includingAuto-Erase)
Automatic Erase All (ERAL) Before Write All(WRAL)
Power-On/Off Data Protection Circuitry
Industry Standard 3-Wire Serial I/O
Device Status Signal (Ready/Busy)
Sequential Read Function
1,000,000 Erase/Write Cycles
Data Retention > 200 Years
93AA46A 封装图
93AA46A 封装图
93AA46A 封装图
93AA46A 封装图
93AA46A 封装图
93AA46A 封装图
93AA46A 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
93AA46AXT-I/SN | SiTime | 有源晶振 ±25ppm 2.8V 133.516483MHz SMD7050_6P_EP | 立即购买 |
93AA46AT-I/MS | SiTime | 有源晶振 3.3V ±50ppm 67.392MHz SMD3225_4P | 立即购买 |
93AA46AT-I/ST | TE | IDCCABLE-AKN30A/AE34M/APK30 | 立即购买 |
93AA46AT-I/SN | TE | IDCCABLE-ASS50A/AE50G/APR50A | 立即购买 |
93AA46AT-I/OT | TE | IDC CABLE-ASS50A/ AE50G / APR50A | 立即购买 |
93AA46AT-I/MNY | TE | IDC CABLE- AKR44G/ AE50M / AKR44 | 立即购买 |
Power-One公司推出的QTS48T46096 1/4砖总线转换器,具有先进的热管理技术,效率可达97%。70℃、61m/min风冷条件下可输出额定功率的95%。该产品采用5:1固定比
万家乐YLD56A YLD46A YLD36A卧式家用食具消毒柜电路图
利用声发射技术研究铸态Ti46Al8Nb合金疲劳寿命 摘 要:本文通过声发射(AE)实时监测技术研究了铸态Ti46Al8Nb合金的疲劳寿命变化特点
彩虹AA电池 宾得彩色单反专属 2009年11月16日17:59:24
AA电池续航 200美元NorhTech Gecko上网本亮相 我们笔记本锂电池都是采用18650型锂电池组成,然而这款NorhTech Gecko EduBook 居然可以采用AA电
90E24 | 93AA46C | 93lc46b | 93C46C |
93AA46 | 93C46B | 93LC46C | 901362102 |
93LC46 | 93AA46A | 925076 | 93C46A |
93AA46B | 9713 | 93AA46AE48 | 93LC46A |
9N05A | 9016R | 9017R | 9N05B |
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