

    70 MIPS, 128KB Flash, 16KB RAM, 28 pins, Motor Control, OpAmps, CAN



    Microchip’s dsPIC33E family of digital signal controllers (DSCs) features a 70 MIPS dsPIC® DSC core with integrated DSP and enhanced on-chip peripherals. These DSCs enable the design of high-performance, precision motor control systems that are more energy efficient, quieter in operation, have a great range and extended life. They can be used to control brushless DC, permanent magnet synchronous, AC induction and stepper motors. These devices are also ideal for high-performance general purpose applications.

    Operating Conditions

      3.0V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +85ºC, DC to 70 MIPS

      3.0V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +125ºC, DC to 60 MIPS

    dsPIC33E DSC Core

      Modified Harvard Architecture

      C Compiler Optimized Instruction Set

      16-bit Wide Data Path

      24-bit Wide Instructions

      16x16 Integer Multiply Operations

      32/16 and 16/16 Integer Divide Operations

      Two 40-bit Accumulators with Rounding and Saturation Options

      Single-Cycle Multiply and Accumulate

      Single-Cycle shifts for up to 40-bit Data

      16x16 Fractional Multiply/Divide Operations

    High-Speed PWM

      Up to three PWM pairs with independent timing

      Dead time for rising and falling edges

      7.14 ns PWM resolution

      PWM support for:- Inverters, PFC, Lighting- BLDC, PMSM, ACIM, SRM

      Programmable Fault inputs

      Flexible trigger configurations for ADC conversions

    Advanced Analog Features

      ADC module:- Configurable as 10-bit, 1.1 Msps with four S&H or12-bit, 500 ksps with one S&H

      Up to three Op amp/Comparators:- Op Amp direct connection to the ADC module- Additional dedicated comparator- Programmable references with 32 voltage points for comparators

      Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU):- Supports mTouch™ capacitive touch sensing

    Timers/Output Compare/Input Capture

      12 general purpose timers:- Five 16-bit and up to two 32-bit timers/counters- Four OC modules configurable as timers/counters- PTG module with two configurable timers/counters- 32-bit Quadrature Encoder Interface (QEI) module configurable as a timer/counter

      Four IC modules

      Peripheral Trigger Generator (PTG) for scheduling complex sequences

    Communication Interfaces

      Two UART modules (15 Mbps)

      Two 4-wire SPI modules (15 Mbps)

      Two I2C™ modules (up to 1 Mbaud) with SMBus support

      ECAN™ module (1 Mbaud) CAN 2.0B support

      PPS to allow function remap

      Programmable Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)

    Direct Memory Access (DMA)

      4-channel DMA with user-selectable priority arbitration

      UART, SPI, ADC, IC, OC, and Timers



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