This low threshold, enhancement-mode (normally-off) transistor utilizes a vertical DMOS structure andwell-proven, silicon-gate manufacturing process. This combination produces a device with the power handling capabilities of bipolar transistors and the high input impedance and positive temperature coefficient inherent in MOS devices. Characteristic of all MOS structures, this device is free from thermal runaway and thermally-induced secondary breakdown. vertical DMOS FETs are ideally suited to a wide range of switching and amplifying applications where very low threshold voltage, high breakdown voltage, high input impedance, low input capacitance, and fast switching speeds are desired.
Free from secondary breakdown
Low power drive requirement
Ease of paralleling
Low CISS and fast switching speeds
Excellent thermal stability
Integral source-drain diode
High input impedance and high gain
TN2130 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
TN2130K1-G | Abracon | 无源晶振 50Ω 8pF 26.041MHz ±20ppm -40℃~+105℃ SMD2520_4P | 立即购买 |
M2130是基于PHYCHIPS PR9200设计的超高频单通道读写模块,模块最大输出功率可达到+30 dBm
1.基本介绍 MS2130是一款USB 3.0 高清视频和音频采集芯片,内部集成USB 3.0 Device控制器、数据 收发模块、音视频处理模块。MS2130可以通过USB 3.0接口将HDMI
概述 之前我们介绍了基于思睿达主推CR5149TJ的18W电源适配器解决方案。在本文,我们将介绍基于思睿达主推的CR5159TN+CR85V25RS_27W电源适配器方案。 01、样机介绍 该
ISD2130是一种数字ChipCorder,主要特性包括数字压缩、综合内存管理、闪存存储、以及集成数字音频信号路径。 该系列利用闪存为单芯片解决方案,提供非易失性音频播放,最长时间为30秒
TPS40428 | TPS51116 | TC1272A | TLC0838 |
TC1410 | TCC-226 | TPS795 | TP2502 |
TPS54560DDAR | TLV0834 | TP2540 | TF412S |
TC4404 | TLV4112-DIE | TUSB544 | TMMBAT46 |
TPS730 | TC4424A | TLC2558 | TC4428 |