The PIC24E general purpose MCUs feature the highest speed 70 MIPS core with excellent performance and code density. It offers superior ADC performance, CTMU, Op Amps and Peripheral Trigger Generator (PTG) for high-end general purpose applications. These devices are available in various packages and with extended (125°C) temp option.
Operating Conditions3.0V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +85ºC, DC to 70 MIPS
3.0V to 3.6V, -40ºC to +125ºC, DC to 60 MIPS
PIC24E MCU CoreModified Harvard Architecture
C Compiler Optimized Instruction Set
16-bit Wide Data Path
24-bit Wide Instructions
16x16 Integer Multiply Operations
32/16 and 16/16 Integer Divide Operations
Advanced Analog FeaturesADC module:- Configurable as 10-bit, 1.1 Msps with four S&H or 12-bit, 500 ksps with one S&H
Up to three Op amp/Comparators:- Op Amp direct connection to the ADC module- Additional dedicated comparator- Programmable references with 32 voltage points for comparators
Charge Time Measurement Unit (CTMU):- Supports mTouch™ capacitive touch sensing
Timers/Output Compare/Input Capture12 general purpose timers:- Five 16-bit and up to two 32-bit timers/counters- Four OC modules configurable as timers/counters- PTG module with two configurable timers/counters
Four IC modules
Peripheral Trigger Generator (PTG) for scheduling complex sequences
Communication InterfacesTwo UART modules (15 Mbps)
Two 4-wire SPI modules (15 Mbps)
Two I2C™ modules (up to 1 Mbaud) with SMBus support
PPS to allow function remap
Programmable Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
Direct Memory Access (DMA)4-channel DMA with user-selectable priority arbitration
UART, SPI, ADC, IC, OC, and Timers
PIC24EP128GP204 封装图
PIC24EP128GP204 封装图
PIC24EP128GP204 封装图
PIC24EP128GP204 封装图
PIC24EP128GP204 封装图
PIC24EP128GP204 封装图
PIC24EP128GP204 封装图
PIC24EP128GP204 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
PIC24EP128GP204T-I/MV | SiTime | 有源晶振 ±25ppm 2.5V 622.08MHz SMD-6 | 立即购买 |
PIC24EP128GP204-E/MV | Samtec | CONN RCPT 50POS 0.1 GOLD PCB | 立即购买 |
PIC24EP128GP204-I/MV | Samtec | CONN HEADER SMD 8POS 1MM | 立即购买 |
PIC24EP128GP204T-I/TL | - | - | 立即购买 |
PIC24EP128GP204T-I/ML | - | - | 立即购买 |
PIC24EP128GP204-H/PT | - | - | 立即购买 |
由于《堡垒之夜》游戏内购分成问题谈不拢,Epic Games 与苹果 App Store 的法律诉讼已被游戏玩家广泛知晓。前者的主要目的是允许 iOS 用户自由安装第三方应用商店,并绕过苹果的高额分成和发行管控政策。相比之下,微软似乎在...
Trello是一款知名的团队协作工作工具,而近日Epic Games也在Trello上公开了Epic Games商城接下来的更新路线图。
Epic Games收购3Lateral,加码Unreal逼真虚拟人物支持 Epic Games 今天宣布已收购数字人类技术与创意内容开发商3Lateral,同时将显著加大对团队项目的投资力度。
近期 Epic 对谷歌和苹果的诉讼被广泛关注,从表面上来看,Epic为了回馈玩家,让玩家获得更为优惠的游戏币内购价格,私自绕过了谷歌应用商店和苹果 APP Store 应用内的支付协议。
了解Epic Games虚幻引擎4以及为什么Epic已经接受了开源。