具有 4kB 内存、24 位 ADC、电流 DAC 和片上振荡器的 8051 CPU
描述The MSC1200Yx, MSC1201Yx, and MSC1202Yx are completely integrated families of mixed-signal devices incorporating a high-resolution, delta-sigma ADC, 8-bit cuurent output DAC, input multiplexer, burnout detect current sources, selectable buffered input, offset DAC, programmable gain amplifier (PGA), temperature sensor, voltage reference, 8-bit 8051 microcontroller, Flash Program Memory, Flash Data Memory, and Data SRAM. The MSC1200, MSC1201, and MSC1202 will be referred to as the MSC120x in this document, unless otherwise noted. On-chip peripherals include an additional 32-bit summation register, basic SPI, basic I2C, USART, two 8-bit digital input/output ports, a watchdog timer, low-voltage detect, on-chip power-on reset, brownout reset, timer/counters, system clock divider, PLL, on-chip oscillator, and external or internal interrupts. The devices accept differential or single-ended signals directly from a transducer. The ADC provides 24 bits (MSC1200/01) or 16 bits (MSC1202) of resolution and 24 bits (MSC1200/01) or 16 bits (MSC1202) of no-missing-code performance using a Sinc3 filter with a programmable sample rate. The ADC also has a selectable filter that allows for high-resolution, single-cycle conversions. The microcontroller core is 8051 instruction set compatible. The microcontroller core is an optimized 8051 core that executes up to three times faster than the standard 8051 core, given the same clock source. This design makes it possible to run the device at a lower external clock frequency and achieve the same performance at lower power than the standard 8051 core. The MSC120x allow users to uniquely configure the Flash Memory map to meet the needs of their applications. The Flash is programmable down to +2.7V using serial programming. Flash endurance is typically 1M Erase/Write cycles. The parts have separate analog and digital supplies, which can be independently powered from +2.7V to +5.25V. At +3V operation, the power dissipation for the part is typically less than 3mW. The MSC1200 is available in a TQFP-48 package. The MSC1201 and MSC1202 are both available in a QFN-36 package. The MSC120x are designed for high-resolution measurement applications in smart transmitters, industrial process control, weigh scales, chromatography, and portable instrumentation.特性ANALOG FEATURES MSC1200 and MSC1201: 24-Bits No Missing Codes 22-Bits Effective Resolution At 10Hz Low Noise: 75nV MSC1202: 16 Bits No Missing Codes 16 Bits Effective Resolution At 200Hz Noise: 600nV PGA From 1 To 128 Precision On-Chip Voltage Reference 8 Diff/Single-Ended Channels (MSC1200) 6 Diff/Single-Ended Channels (MSC1201/02) On-Chip Offset/Gain Calibration Offset Drift: 0.1ppm/°C Gain Drift: 0.5ppm/°C On-Chip Temperature Sensor Selectable Buffer Input Signal-Source Open-Circuit Detect 8-Bit Current DAC DIGITAL FEATURES Microcontroller Core 8051-Compatible High-Speed Core: 4 Clocks per Instruction Cycle DC to 33MHz On-Chip Oscillator PLL with 32kHz Capability Single Instruction 121ns Dual Data Pointer Memory 4kB or 8kB of Flash Memory Flash Memory Partitioning Endurance 1M Erase/Write Cycles, 100-Year Data Retention 256 Bytes Data SRAM In-System Serially Programmable Flash Memory Security 1kB Boot ROM Peripheral Features 16 Digital I/O Pins Additional 32-Bit Accumulator Two 16-Bit Timer/Counters System Timers Programmable Watchdog Timer Full-Duplex USART Basic SPI Basic I2C Power Management Control Internal Clock Divider Idle Mode Current < 200µA Stop Mode Current < 100nA Digital Brownout Reset Analog Low-Voltage Detect 20 Interrupt Sources GENERAL FEATURES Each Device Has Unique Serial Number Package:TQFP-48 (MSC1200) QFN-36 (MSC1201/02) Low Power: 3mW at 3.0V, 1MHz Industrial Temperature Range: 40°C to +125°C Power Supply: 2.7V to 5.25V APPLICATIONS Industrial Process Control Instrumentation Liquid/Gas Chromatography Blood Analysis Smart Transmitters Portable Instruments Weigh Scales Pressure Transducers Intelligent Sensors Portable Applications DAS SystemsAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
贴片Y1电容和贴片Y2电容简介!电容是电源电路里最特别的器件.特别在AC/DCconverter里,Y电容对抑制共模干扰有很大的作用.Y电容的分级:一般Y电容分为Y1, Y2, Y3,Y4, 主要差别在于: 1. Y1耐高压大于8
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