The MIC5013 is an 8-pin MOSFET driver with over-current shutdown and a fault flag. It is designed to drive the gate of an N-channel power MOSFET above the supply rail high-side power switch applications. The MIC5013 is compatible with standard or current-sensing power MOSFETs in both high- and low-side driver topologies.
The MIC5013 charges a 1nF load in 60µs typical and protects the MOSFET from over-current conditions. The current sense trip point is fully programmable and a dynamic threshold allows high in-rush current loads to be started. A fault pin indicates when the MIC5013 has turned off the FET due to excessive current.
Other members of the Micrel driver family include the MIC5011 minimum parts count driver and MIC5012 dual driver.
+7.0V to +32V operation
Less than 1µA current in the "off" state
Internal charge pump to drive the gate of an N-channel power FET above supply
Available in small outline SOIC packages
Internal zener clamp for gate protection
60µs typical turn-on time to 50% gate overdrive
Programmable over-current sensing
Dynamic current threshold for high in-rush loads
Fault output pin indicates current faults
Implements high- or low-side switches
MIC5013 封装图
MIC5013 封装图
MIC5013 封装图
MIC5013 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
MIC5013YM-TR | Littelfuse Inc. | 立即购买 | |
MIC5013YM | SII Semiconductor Corporation | ICVOLTDETECTOR4.1VSOT23-5 | 立即购买 |
MIC5013YN | - | - | 立即购买 |
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*For VIN > 5V, use IRFZ44**Improves transient response to load changes Figure 1. Simple 10A, 5V to
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本文介绍了MIC2166主要特性,方框图,应用电路以及8V-24V 到1.2V/10A评估板电路图和评估板材料清单(BOM)。MIC2166是Micrel公司的同步自适应降压电源控制器,工作电压4.5V到28V,工
2019年1月14 日晚间,台湾工研院公告指出,“若是使用华为手机,自 1月15日中午起将无法使用本院的无线内部网络”,公告还通知员工,目前若有(或准备使用)与实验有关的华为设备,请马上与资科中心联系。
MCP6567 | MC33035 | MTCH108 | MC14029B |
MCP79522 | MIC2297 | MCP48FEB22 | MC10E457 |
MMBFJ108 | MCP14E3 | MC14049UB | MC10H641 |
MIC280 | MRF89XAM8A | max232cse | MIC4100 |
MCP3302 | MIC4101 | MMBF5458 | MC74ACT273 |