The HV9808 is a low voltage serial to high voltage parallel converters with push-pull outputs. This device has been designed for use as a driver for AC-electroluminescent displays.It can also be used in any application requiring multiple output, high voltage current sourcing and sinking capabilities such as drivingplasma panels, vacuum fluorescent, orlarge matrix LCD displays. The inputs are fully CMOS compatible. This device consists of a 32-bit shift register, 32 latches, and control logic to perform the polarity select and blanking of the outputs. HVOUT1 is connected to the first stage of the shift register through the polarity and blanking logic. Data is shifted through the shift register on the logic low to high transition of the clock. The HV9808 shifts data in the counter-clockwise direction when viewed from the top of the package. A data output buffer is provided for cascading devices.This output reflects the current status of the last bit of the shift register (HVOUT32). Operation of the shift register is not affected by the LE (latch enable), BL (blanking), or the POL (polarity) in-puts. Transfer of data from the shift register to the latch occurs when the LE (latch enable) input is high. The data in the latch is stored when LE is low.
Processed with HVCMOS® technology
Output voltages up to 80V
Low power level shifting
Shift register speed 8.0MHz
Latched data outputs
5.0V CMOS compatible inputs
Forward and reverse shifting options
Diode to VPP allows efficient power recovery
HV9808 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
HV9808PJ-G | Samsung | 贴片电容(MLCC) 0201 27pF ±5% 25V C0G(NP0) | 立即购买 |
高压 LM317HV 系列 IC 将超越 LM317 IC 的传统电压限制,并能够控制可能高达 60V 的电源。
大家好,在前两期分别向大家介绍了电装纯正压缩机修理 和喷油器修理技术开发 ,本期将继续带大家了解,为推进碳中和做出积极贡献的混合动力汽车电池修理(以下简称 “HV电池修理” )。 提问环节到 电装
TE Connectivity将在来年推出其新型继电器Mini K HV系列。作为一种预充电继电器,Mini K HV直接在主继电器运行(动作)之前,就用预充电电阻取代了对滤波电容的充电
GPS9808模块在汽车防盗系统中的设计及应用 汽车失窃案的数量的增多给人们带来了较大的经济损失。本文针对存在的问题,详细介绍了
TDA9808K各引脚功能的电压资料 脚号 有信号电压/V
HMC272A | HMC1019A | HMC764 | HMC408 |
HMC1105 | HMC347A-Die | HMC721LP3E | HMC-C023 |
HMC686 | HMC973A | HMC629 | HMC602 |
HMC976 | HMC-C002 | HMC466 | HMC-MDB218 |
HMC386 | HMC404 | HMC900 | HV9925 |