The EMC2303 is an SMBus compliant fan controller with up to three independently controlled PWM fan drivers. Each fan driver is controlled by a programmable frequency PWM driver and Fan Speed Control algorithm that operates in either a closed loop fashion or as a directly PWM-controlled device.
The closed loop Fan Speed Control algorithm (FSC) has the capability to detect aging fans and alert the system. It will likewise detect stalled or locked fans and trigger an interrupt.
Additionally, the EMC2303 offers a clock output so that multiple devices may be chained and slaved to the same clock source for optimal performance in large distributed systems.
Three Programmable Fan Control circuits
4-wire fan compatible
High speed PWM (26 kHz)
Low speed PWM (9.5Hz - 2240 Hz)
Optional detection of aging fans
Fan Spin Up Control and Ramp Rate Control
Alert on Fan Stall
Up to 3 Selectable Default Fan Speeds
Watchdog Timer
RPM-based fan control algorithm
0.5% accuracy from 500 RPM to 16k RPM (external crystal oscillator)
1% accuracy from 500 RPM to 16k RPM (internal clock)
SMBus 2.0 Compliant
Up to 6 selectable SMBus addresses
SMBus Alert compatible
CLK Pin can provide a clock source output
Available in a 12-pin 4mm x 4mm QFN RoHS Compliant package
Industrial and Networking Equipment
Notebook Computers
EMC2303 封装图
EMC2303 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
EMC2303-1-KP-TR | TI | IC REG LINEAR 1.85V 150MA 6WSON | 立即购买 |
本文介绍了IDP2303产品亮点和主要特性,典型应用电路图以及采用IDP2303的120 W 24 V 3.5 A 12 V 3 A SMPS演示板主要特性与指标,电路图,材料清单和PCB设计图。
%!多台 吉时利 2303PJ 2303 2304 2306 电源 谭艳飞13543805887欧阳S 中山市华仪通电子仪器有限公司 联系人:谭艳飞(经理)欧阳婧(特助) 手机: 13543
采用芯片PL2303制作的USB转串转换器 该东东采用了一片USB转换芯片
!MARCONI 2303/MARCONI 2303/MARCONI 2303小兵/李S 东莞市银通电子仪器有限公司联系人:欧阳小兵/李小姐手机:13332662998/13509815676电话:0769-87912629传真:0769-87912842MAIL:2008lilin.5
EMB1499Q | ESD8040 | ESD7361 | ECMF02-2BF3 |
EMI4193 | ESD8008 | EMW3280_E WIFI MODULE | ESD8018 |
EMC3DXV5 | EMC1424 | EMC1438 | EGP10B |
EMC2105 | ESD1014 | EGP20C | ESD5581 |
EMC1188 | ESD7481 | ECMF02-2HSMX6 | ESD7L |
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