These low threshold depletion-mode (normally-on) transistors utilize an advanced vertical DMOS structure andwell-proven silicon-gate manufacturing process. This combination produces devices with the power handling capabilities of bipolar transistors and with the high input impedance and positive temperature coefficient inherent in MOS devices. Characteristic of all MOS structures, these devices are free from thermal runaway and thermally-induced secondary breakdown. vertical DMOS FETs are ideally suited to a wide range of switching and amplifying applications where very low threshold voltage, high breakdown voltage, high input impedance, low input capacitance, and fast switching speeds are desired.
High input impedance
Low input capacitance
Fast switching speeds
Low on-resistance
Free from secondary breakdown
Low input and output leakage
DN2450 封装图
DN2450 封装图
型号 | 制造商 | 描述 | 购买 |
DN2450N8-G | Bivar | LEDENGINEP32004100K48"STRIP | 立即购买 |
DN2450K4-G | Bivar | LEDENGINEP32006500K48"STRIP | 立即购买 |
S型源表与2400,2450及B2900相比有哪些不同? ①、2400为吉时利第一代数字源表,单通道,不支持脉冲输出,纯按键操作,数码管显示,支持串口及GPIB通信,不支持以太网通信; ②、2450为泰克收购吉时利后推出的新一代数字源表,...
De-- PPR、PE管、聚丙烯管 外径 DN-- 聚乙烯(PVC)管、铸铁管、钢塑复合管、镀锌钢管公称直径 d -- 混凝土管公称直径 ф-- 无缝钢管公称直径,其规格为,如ф100:108 X 4
在电子电路的设计、调试和分析中,了解电路的阻抗特性至关重要。吉时利2450数字源表以其高精度、多功能的特点,成为测量电路阻抗特性的有力工具。 一、电路阻抗特性的重要性 电路的阻抗特性反映了电路
联想K2450采用12.5英寸1366x768分辨率屏幕,搭载1.7GHz主频Intel 酷睿i3 4010U双核四线程处理器,4GB运行内存和500G硬盘,内置Intel GMA HD 4400核心显卡,主打商务人群,售价3999元起。
在普通方式下其串行通信速率为16.3kbps,而超速工作模式时的速率可达 142kbps,片内16位循环冗余校验码生成器可用于检测通信的正确性。
dm3730 | DAC8143 | dsPIC33FJ128GP706A | dsPIC33EP64MC502 |
DFB2520 | dsPIC33EP128GS708 | DF01S1 | DAC80004 |
DFB2080 | DTC124XM3 | DTC115EM3 | DS90LV012A |
DC-005-20A | DFB2020 | DP83848-HT | dsPIC33EP128MC504 |
DMR-9S | DF08S1 | dsPIC33EP256MU814 | DF01S2 |