The ATECC108A provides a full turnkey Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) engine using key sizes of 256 or 283 bits - appropriate for modern security environments without the long computation delay typical of software solutions.
Access to the device is through a standard I2C Interface at speeds up to 1Mb/sec. It is compatible with standard Serial EEPROM I2C Interface specifications. The device also supports a Single-Wire Interface that can reduce the number of GPIOs required on the system processor or reduce the number of pins on connectors.
If the Single-Wire Interface is enabled, the remaining pin is available for use as a GPIO which can be asserted or read under program control. It can also be connected to an authorization event for a specified key to provide an external indication of proper authentication or to enable a hardware component of the system.
The ATECC108A can generate high-quality Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) random numbers and employ them for any purpose, including usage as part of the device???s crypto protocols. Because each random number is guaranteed to be unique from all numbers ever generated on this or any other device, their inclusion in the protocol calculation ensures that replay attacks (re-transmitting a previously successful transaction) always fails.
ATECC108A 封装图
...护;期间还演示了如何通过可信平台设计套件用预配置的ATECC608A TrustFLEX来实现这一切。 多位技术专家在线解答了观众的提问。 分享一些截
MOC108/ MOC108A 是 2.4 GHz 802.11b/g/n 数据传输SoC,芯片集成了 802.11b/g/n 从射频到 MAC层所有的软硬件功能,通用的 ARM9 MCU 和丰富的存储资源使得芯片可以支持各种网络协议。 MOC108 是QFN5*5 32pin。 MOC108A是QFN5*5 40pin,主要增加PWM接口,...
(RTOS) 和 ATECC608 TrustFLEX 安全身份验证集成电路 (IC) 的 TLS 相互身份验证组成。
ECDSA的产生密钥对签名,验签,SecureBOOT,TLS等接口功能都很完美,支持ECC-P256, secp256r1等算法,安全防护也做得非常到位。不仅如此,也向下兼容了ATECC508系列,同时具备国密安全等功能,适用于物联网设备各种安全场景。
...为了增值应用,外部编解码器或音频DSP通过I2S可连接到 CM108AH引脚进行进一步的处理。 3个GPIO引脚可供编程。 市面充斥着型号为CM108的山寨芯片。注意:CM108山寨芯片无法获得Cmedia官 方最新驱动支持,DAC ADC
微控制器及触摸技术解决方案的领导厂商爱特梅尔公司(Atmel® Corporation)宣布扩展CryptoAuthentication™产品组合,增添使用椭圆曲线(ECC)非对称密匙算法的ATECC108 解决方案。
ADP1707 | ADP1875 | ADL5320 | ADP2323 |
ADP1606 | ADSP-BF607 | ADN2915 | ADP1761 |
ADA4857-2 | AIS326DQ | ADS8866 | AD522 |
AD8034 | ADM1068 | AS5311-ATSU | ADA4411-3 |
ADM1175 | ADN4662 | ADG919 | ADL5240 |