具有 2 到 1 MUX 和 Ref 引脚的 2.7V~5.5V 16 位 750KSPS 串行 ADC
描述The ADS8329 is a low-power, 16-bit, 1-MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with a unipolar input. The device includes a 16-bit capacitor-based SAR ADC with inherent sample-and-hold. The ADS8330 is based on the same core and includes a 2-to-1 input MUX with programmable option of TAG bit output.Both the ADS8329 and ADS8330 offer a high-speed, wide voltage serial interface and are capable of chain mode operation when multiple converters are used. These converters are available in 4 × 4 QFN and 16-pin TSSOP packages, and are fully specified for operation over the industrial -40°C to +85°C temperature range.特性2.7-V to 5.5-V Analog Supply, Low Power: 15.5 mW (1 MHz, +VA = 3 V, +VBD = 1.8 V) 1-MHz Sampling Rate 3 V ≤ +VA ≤ 5.5 V, 900-kHz Sampling Rate 2.7 V ≤ +VA ≤ 3 V Excellent DC Performance:±1.0 LSB Typ, ±1.75 LSB Max INL±0.5 LSB Typ, ±1 LSB Max DNL16-Bit NMC Over Temperature±0.5 mV Max Offset Error at 3 V±1 mV Max Offset Error at 5 V Excellent AC Performance at fI = 10 kHz with 93 dB SNR, 105 dB SFDR, -102 dB THD Built-In Conversion Clock (CCLK) 1.65 V to 5.5 VI/O Supply:SPI/DSP Compatible SerialSCLK up to 50 MHz Comprehensive Power-Down Modes:Deep Power-Down Nap Power-Down Auto Nap Power-DownUnipolar Input Range: 0 V toVREF Software Reset Global CONVST (Independent of CS) Programmable Status/Polarity EOC/INT 16-Pin 4 × 4 QFN and 16-Pin TSSOP PackagesMulti-Chip Daisy Chain Mode Programmable TAG Bit Output Auto/Manual Channel Select Mode (ADS8330) APPLICATIONS Communications Transducer Interface Medical Instruments Magnetometers Industrial Process Control Data Acquisition Systems Automatic Test EquipmentAll trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
简化您的高电压 DC/DC 转换器以延长电池寿命凌力尔特的两款低静态电流升压 / SEPIC / 负输出转换器 LT8330 和 LT8331 是专为汽车、工业、电信和便携式应用而特别设计。LT8330 具有一个 1A、60V 电源开关和一个 3V 至 40V 的输入范围,而 LT8331 则具有一个 500mA、140V 电源开关和一个...
今年年初 TI 推出的两款模数转换器 (ADC) ADS8329 和 ADS8330 向世人展现了一个低功耗、高速和高性能的独特组合。该组合使其