描述 The ADS1146, ADS1147, and ADS1148 devices are precision, 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that include many integrated features to reduce system cost and component count for sensor measurement applications. The devices feature a low-noise, programmable gain amplifier (PGA), a precision delta-sigma (ΔΣ) ADC with a single-cycle settling digital filter, and an internal oscillator. The ADS1147 and ADS1148 devices also provide a built-in, low-drift voltage reference, and two matched programmable excitation current sources (IDACs).An input multiplexer supports four differential inputs for the ADS1148, two for the ADS1147, and one for the ADS1146. In addition, the multiplexer integrates sensor burn-out detection, voltage bias for thermocouples, system monitoring, and general purpose digital I/Os (ADS1147 and ADS1148). The PGA provides selectable gains up to 128 V/V. These features provide a complete front-end solution for temperature sensor measurement applications including thermocouples, thermistors, and resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) and other small signal measurements including resistive bridge sensors. The digital filter settles in a single cycle to support fast channel cycling when using the input multiplexer and provides data rates up to 2 kSPS. For data rates of 20 SPS or less, both 50-Hz and 60-Hz interference are rejected by the filter.特性Programmable Data Rates Up to 2 kSPS Single-Cycle Settling for All Data Rates Simultaneous 50-Hz and 60-Hz Rejection at 20 SPS Analog Multiplexer With 8 (ADS1148) and 4 (ADS1147) Independently Selectable Inputs Programmable Gain: 1 V/V to 128 V/V Dual-Matched Programmable Excitation Current Sources Low-Drift Internal 2.048-V Reference Sensor Burnout Detection 4 or 8 General-Purpose I/Os (ADS1147 and ADS1148) Internal Temperature Sensor Power Supply and VREF Monitoring (ADS1147 and ADS1148) Self and System Calibration SPI™-Compatible Serial Interface Analog Supply: Unipolar (2.7 V to 5.25 V) or Bipolar (±2.5 V) Digital Supply: 2.7 V to 5.25 V
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基于ADS对射频前端的接收端建模与仿真分析近年来,随着无线通信业务的迅速发展,通信频段已经越来越拥挤。1985年美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)授权普通用户可以使用902 MHz,2.4 GHz和5.8 GHz三个工业、科技、医学(ISM)频段。ISM频段为无线通信设备提供了无需申请在低发射功...
基于ADS7846实现的液晶显示触摸控制设计在分析液晶触摸屏的工作原理基础上,分析触摸屏专用控制器ADS7846 的工作原理与控制方式。通过ADS7846 与MCU 的SPI 接口,给出AT89S51 的测量子程序流程图,提出触摸屏触点坐标的获得方法